Purple haired mage

If Allen was their ally- Her thoughts broke off when she hears a large sound coming from outside. Lyn took a peak through the small window out in the hall and saw a figure on the wall.

'Is somebody trying to sneak in?' The defences around the academy are very good, so no normal intruder should be able to enter. But the only exception to that are high level mages. The academy has a hard time measuring the level of magic from mage users.

Should she go out and apprehend them? But she is still a student- Lyn debated about it for a few minutes. But with her curious nature she ended up going outside. There is a large wall around the academy similar to the one around the main castle. 

She walked over until she was standing directly opposite the large wall, and looked up. The moment she did the first thing she saw was the uniform. Despite how dark it was, she couldn't mistaken the academy uniform.

A student?

"Hey why are you-" Lyn called out.