No doubt

'As expected even now I do not understand these things very well. But I want to understand them. No for this person's sake I want to understand.' It will do neither of them any good if they are both bad at this.

It seems like Rhys has tried in his own way, but it must be difficult for him. Besides half of their problems is because of her. She has to be the one putting in the effort or nothing will change.

'I like Rhys more than I thought, no I love him.'

Her thoughts broke off when Rhys suddenly stood up and scooped her up in his arms in the process. She didn't say anything and just watched to see what he would do. After he helped dry her off, he placed her back down on the bed in the large room. 

She watched him for a few minutes before she realized something.

"Rhys-uh this?"

Why is he putting so many blankets around her? 

"Get some sleep. I wonder if you need another blanket."