Unusual Creature

Lyn winced at the sound of the explosion, or was it the sound of Ryuuko placing medication on her wounded leg. She met up with him moments ago.

"I can't believe you tried to pass this injury as falling over."

"Like I had much of a choice." They were surrounded by demonic beasts not too long ago. She couldn't exactly explain how, on the way here, she allowed them to bite her to save a fellow student. 

"Geez, it is hard to leave you alone." Ryuuko trailed off. "No, keep your flanks strong. Do not let them surround you. If you allow them to surround you, then you are as good as dead." 

Ryuuko was not saying those words to her, but he was speaking through several message crystals. 

"Maybe you should go and help them."

At those words, Ryuuko flicked her forehead. "Nice try, but I am not leaving you alone. Why did you even come here anyway? I am sure you were with Rhys."