
Lyn gasped as her eyes flew open. She felt her heart beat increase at a rapid speed. She scanned her surroundings. It looked like one of the buildings in the academy but not the medical wing where she expected to wake up to.

Then again the medical wing was destroyed wasn't it? The events remained fresh in her mind and she felt a wincing pain in her head.

'It feels like I have forgotten something again.'

The last thing she could remember was fighting those demons, she entered johns pen mode. But what happened after that? She frowns, it felt as though she couldn't remember the events of what happened afterwards. Come to think of it, what happened after she used her fire wings? Which attacks did she use? 

Lyn felt very confused, and vert weak. How come she forgot? She sat up, and placed a hand on her head. It was painful, it felt as though she had lost loads of blood.