A chat between siblings

This man is her first knight Hughi, out of all the people who follow her, he is genuinely loyal to her. Lethia turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him.

Her knight and lover, unfortunately with his status she cannot make him her King. But that will soon change, when she finally obtains power with her own hands. In order to do that she must get rid of Andrew.

If she kills Andrew, all of his brainless followers will no longer be able to rebel. She can take charge of the laws and make the rightful adjustments that will make Hughi her King.

"My lady- to do this here, somebody might see us."

"Nn." Lethia panted. "Your still so formal. When will you call me by name?"

"When I am worthy."

Lethia flinched when she heard those words, it resembled what she told her father earlier on. She felt Hughi's lips on her neck and shuddered. "Were you staying away from me recently because of that man?"