Sincere talks

"Didn't Andrew treat you well?"

"He did. But for awhile he treated me coldly, and because of what happened when he took me to the battlefield. I slowly became afraid of him. So I suppose you can say when we grew older, we grew apart."

How does it feel to have a proper close relationship with your siblings? Brother Kotaro was nice to her, but the main reason for that was Gabrielle. If Gabrielle did not take a liking to her she doubts brother Kotaro would have paid attention to her. 

Shaaraya and her got along, but the girl's father was wary towards her and limited Shaarya's visits.

So she does not understand what it means to be close to a sibling, maybe she can learn from Rhys.

Lyn looked over and noticed that he had stopped talking, Rhys wore a serious expression on his face.

"Did Andrew ever beat you?"

Eh? What's with this quest- Lyn immediately understood when she saw his trembling fists. She frantically shook his head.