A risk

"You really don't know Rhys?" Lyn tugged on his cloak. "Isn't it because you love me?"

Rhys just grumbled frustrated. "Are you trying to mess with me?"

"A little."

He leaned forward and kissed her. "Then, can I mess with you?"


She truly is driving him insane. "We can mess around, in the tent. Or maybe in the hot spring?"

Lyn laughed and she suddenly leaned forward and kissed him. It was a gentle kiss, but a kiss is a kiss. Rhys looked at her stunned as the girl suddenly bent down.

"I think it should be around here-" Lyn fiddled with the rocks beside the lake and suddenly they heard a large sound. The 'lake' opened up and there was now a large hole in the ground with a set of steps.

Rhys looked at her baffled and Lyn beamed happily. "Impressed?"

"Impressed by Zepher's ability to teach somebody as silly as you."

Lyn pouted. "This is due to my efforts, not his."