You used me?

"You should eat, the food might get cold." Rhys pointed to the trolly. He pulled up a chair from the corner and placed the trolly in front of Lyn.

There might be a table somewhere but he can't see one at the moment, so this will have to do.

Lyn clapped her hands and beamed happily after she tasted the omelette. "You're right Rhys, you cook these better than Ryuuko."

"Of course."

It irritates him though that she got so used to eating another man's cooking. It is frustrating that he can't even 

"It seems like my meals in the future will be taken care of."

Huh? Her meals in the fut- It took Rhys a moment to understand what the girl was talking about. Rhys felt his cheeks redden at the thought of it. It's true that he agreed to be her King, but she, isn't she adjusting to it already?

"Is it okay for me to prepare the Queen's meals? Normally the servants do that?"

"Really? Father Daichi always cooked for my mother."