Something has changed

Back at the cabin in the mountains.

Unaware of what was happening in the town, Lyn was finishing of the laundry. She paused when she realized she was holding Rhys undergarments and quickly put it in on the makeshift rack. Recently their relationship has been a bit unusual.

Whenever she is around him, it is difficult to control her heart beat. Initially when they first started going out, she acted bold around him. But that was only to trick him into thinking that she intended to use him. The reality is whenever she did those bold things with him, she would end up feeling light headed and dizzy due to the happiness she felt being held by him.

'I definitely cannot allow him to know how deep my feelings are.'

Rhys teases her less often now but he still does it, and whenever he does. She wants to crawl under the sheets and hide. To think that she would feel this way towards another person.