
He seems to be a good person. What a relief, her body is still in the middle of recovering. If she had to fight him in this state she would have lost.

"Anyway, are you hungry?"

The man called 'Asou' occupying her brother Kotaro's body had set up a camp fire before she knew it and was grilling some meat.

"Ah, when did you-"

"This area is good for hunting, that is the reason why I brought the soldiers here. Kotaro has been resting for awhile after a dispute with the Queen. Normally he dislikes me taking over his body but it seems like he wishes to rest now."

So, the reason they are in this area isn't to harm her? "The other day, soldiers-"

"I heard the report. Relax, it seemed like they were drunk and thought you were some random village woman."

"Eh but my appearance."

"There is a strong disguise magic around you. I suppose your boyfriend is the one who cast it."

B-boy-boyfriend? Lyn felt her cheeks reden at those words.