What I want

It would be cruel of him to remind her of her blood stained fate. During the first few days after they left the castle, they walked non stop without rest. They wanted to get as further away from the main town as much as they could. However, that led to a series of problems such as the Princess hyperventilating.

Three months ago- Mist Kingdom Forest.

After her hyperventilating attack. Rhys decided to stop and make a camp. It was a good thing he brought some ready made tents with him. It would be difficult in this situation to build one from scratch.

"Princess, please do not worry. Lord Amakaze will never let Pupilliam get hurt and as for those rowdy bunch of knights. The Queen cannot touch them since some belong to noble families. Moreover your fiance is there too. He will never allow them to be harmed." Rhys realized that the girl must have been worrying about her friends.