I want to confirm

Lyn woke up to the blinding rays of sun filtering through the curtains, and a note by the bedside table from Rhys saying he had gone to work. She placed her hand on the empty spot on the bed. It's still warm, it means he just left. If she hurries up, she can still catch up to him. 

After she asked that question, the meal was very awkward and Rhys didn't stay for long before going out again. She was half asleep when he returned so they couldn't talk. The scent of perfume around him had gotten stronger too. 

She quickly got dressed and headed out. She made her way to the entrance of the red light district and sure enough saw Rhys heading there.

'It's true, I confirmed it from his expression yesterday but, I want to-'

"What are you doing sneaking around Lyn?" A familiar voice whispered in her ear.

"G-gah that scared me."