My turn to protect him

Lyn had higher expectations going to the main camp, then when she first came back. But what she didn't expect was the moment everybody saw her they all kneeled down and bowed. Uh, what is this situation? Her thoughts break off hearing a pair of rushing footsteps, and in the next second she sees auburn coloured hair. 

"Ah Pup-" Lyn's sentence fell short when she was hugged tightly.

Her eyes widened when she heard the woman's tears. Pupilliam is her knight, her aide who has been by her side since she was younger. 

'The only reason she is loyal to me is because  of my mother's orders.'

For a long time she believed that there was nobody on her side. Both the general and Pupilliam only remain by her side out of obligation. There was that time where Shaaraya came and Pupilliam was ordered to protect her and send her back. When she saw that, it reinforced her belief that she had nobody.