The first reveal.......

she gathered all her courage and said , " ju--jun--jungkook oppa , ho-w can y--ou be the mysterious man I m-ust be dreaming " .No one's dreaming Irene I'm the one who gave you the card I'm sure you didn't even looked at it " he smiled and replied. At that time she remembered he had actually given her a card how stupid I am she thought . she broke the silence and asked "oppa why are you here I mea--n you can be here , it's just you know....". Before finishing what's she is saying she felt a soft finger on her lips , he had put it and said "shhush" , she was dumbstruck she even started blushing , he continued" let's sit somewhere and talk and don't call me oppa just call me jungkook ". He removed his finger from her lips , she didn't want to leave the sensation of that touch but when she thought about Taehyung she forgot everything . They sat on the bench nearby and he was gazing at her , looking at her with that beautiful pair of eyes , she was turned into an ice in Himalaya ( a mountain in India , it snows even in summer ), she was a statue of gold , she couldn't move , breathe or even wink , she was frozen dead . He started talking "Do you know why I'm with you at the moment" "no"she replied . "oh I should have put on that mask , when I was on that I had to beg you to speaking " he laughed . even his laughter makes every girl's heart skip a beat . Irene was in a delimma . he continued in low voice " I don't want to make you scared so let's come to the point , my company big hit is going to debut four teen girls in a group name is unknown , it is very official and seceretive even some of the people who work there don't know about a debut , a few of them knows so keep it as secret from everyone don't tell anyone even your best friends". Irene didn't knew how to react , first the world's famous renowned group of all time BTS's maknae comes to her to talk and he tells her a big secret related to their company what is going on oh god save me from this , she thought for a while and answered "op.... I mean jungkook why are you telling me all this". He smiled and said " what did I told you at the bakery" she said"didn't you said welcome to your new family" "nice memory " he replied . "It means that you're a part of my family oh now it's our family " "what are you talking about " she asked . " it means that you are one of the eight trainees of the new group congratulations you must be very happy" he said . Irene on the other hand was pinching herself to know it's true or not "but ..I don't any qualifications to be in your company neither my voice is good nor my dancing skills and look at my face I don't...." . she again sensed the softness of his hands on her lips , she could live like this forever . then he spoke " we are not selected by voice , dance or our pretty faces but our personality our character our hard work , you know one thing I didn't even knew how to dance nor sing while auditioning I just did my best to achieve all this have faith in your self be confident and face every problems with a smile you are worth it you have an amazing personality that brings smile to everyone's faces and it's not scary at all in the headquarters if you want any help just ask I'll be there for you ,( "always" in his mind) and don't make me regret my decision of personally telling bang pd to select you " " what?? you said to". she asked in low voice . "yeah I even checked your Twitter account and you where a trainee why didn't you told me " he asked " because you didn't ask" she replied "why did you leave" " my personal problems " she answered . He stood up and told "enough talking let's head to your new home , I have to introduce you to everyone " . she too stood up and faced him "but I can't come......