
Sybil had been a fool. All she had to do was bed Apollo to get immortality, and bed him, she did. She rode him until he gave in to her demands and bestowed the heavenly boon on her. He promised to let her live a year for each grain of sand she could keep in her fist.

"Yes, give me all the years as the sand on the beach... give me all the years as the sand in my palm," she had cried and greedily picked a fistful. White sand escaped from the crack of her fingers. Stricken, she grabbed on tighter and saw as more sand slipped... she was horrified, but somehow learned to manoeuvre the sand. Apollo gave her eternal life. She grew old. She decomposed. She had forgotten that words mattered more than anything in the world. She had used her body to gain more power. Her prophecies were stronger, but she withered away, for she had never asked for eternal youth. She defied the laws of the underworld and ferried in heroes. She seethed with envy as the Goddesses paraded around in all their glory.