
"You tried to strangle me! I think that is considered as an attempt to murder."

"I knew what I was doing. You needed to calm down and were in need of a sedative. I improvised with what I had." He offered me an unconvincing shrug.

"Calm me down by strangling me?" I hissed, controlling my rising voice. "I could have died!" I seethed. The images were clear in my head, my body, pale and lifeless, lying alone in an open casket. The funeral was commencing, but there was not a single person attending. It was a sad thought that I pushed into the darkest corners of my mind.

"Yes, I calmed you down. A near-death experience is known to make a person concentrate on better things than trivial emotions. If you have not noticed yet, you are calm and don't want to kill me."

"You would not have died," he assured me. I was not assured.

"How can you be so sure?" I argued, leaning forward, the strength returning to my limbs.