" I am sorry senior if senior wishes not to I can tell Xiang Shui to come back "

" no need I am just anxious about how much such a mediocre core can get "

Zhu Shui sweat " Senior with such a high grade it might fetch us around 2000 gold per core . "

Xu Fang was astonished by the astounding amount , she for one has managed the inn for a pretty long time , and has a annual revenue of only 10 gold at max .

" so this city values it that much .. "

Zhu Shui almost fell to the ground .

" senior Cheng this is Xu Fang and she will be taking care of you "

Ren Cheng glanced at Xu Fang , Xu Fang was beautiful , " very well . "

" Xu Fang greets senior Cheng "

Meanwhile ..

" I would like to meet with the manager ! "

Xiang shui shouted .

A man with a grey beard arrived he looked at Xiang Shui .

" what is it that you came here for . "

" I would like to sell some cores . "

The old man " oh may I see "

Xiang Shui brought out a piece of grade 7 core "

" This ! "

[ The crowd of people around were also shocked by the glowing core ]

"is that a grade 8 no a grade 7 core !"

The old man quickly " Very well follow me I would like to talk to you . "

" mister how much are you selling the core for " [ the crowd started shouting ]

The old man quickly brought Xiang Shui to a private area .

" Greetings I am Fang Yong and the manager of this pali place may I know if you are really willing to sell this core "

" yes my master [ Xiang Shui said a half lie ] assigned me to sell this off . "

" master ummm for such a high grade of core even in the middle no even inside the inner city such a core would be fought against may I ask what your master name is . "

" My master does not wish to be known "

" I see , but as the manager of this pali house I am willing to buy off this cores at 3000 gold each . "

[ Xiang Shui gulped ]

" very well I actually have 19 more .. "

Fang Yong " What ! 19 more may I see all of them . "

Xiang Shui hurriedly pulled out all 19 cores .

After Fang Yong examined the quality

" it is indeed the real thing to actually have so much grade 7 cores your master must be a unbelieveable existance . "

" Very well I would be willing to buy all 20 cores for 70,000 gold "

Xiang Shui was amazed he never expected to gain such a huge amount 70,000 gold can allow them to live luxuriously and help them improve their cultivation .

" Umm .. "

Fang Yong could see that Xiang Shui was hessitating " Very well if you wish I could buy it all for 100,000 gold .. "

Xiang Shui almost had a hearth attack " deal "

Fang Yong was over joyed " if young master has anymore please look for me again "

Fang Yong handed out 2 space rings that carries 50,000 gold each .

" I will thank you very much "

After Xiang Shui Left . Fang Yong was overjoyed he quickly called someone over the phone .

" Boss I have good news . "

a man wearing gold cloth with a cigarette on his mouth and a pretty girl on his lap

" what is it . "

" boss I was able to gain 20 grade 7 beast cores "

The man on the phone " that is great how ? "

Fang Yong explained over the phone .

" I see that kid's master must be a unshakable existance, or he might have stolen it .. Hurry and call some men to follow the kid . "

Fang Yong " boss what if the kid's master seeks us "

" hahahah don't worry we have the imperial city as are back up who would be willing to anger us . "

Fang Yong " very well "

Fang Yong closed the phone " Shi Ah follow the young man closely don't let anyone see you . "

" Shi Ah will follow "

" Shi Ah is a master cultivator there aren't that many in the outer city who could rival . "

Xiang Shui rode his horse he was overjoyed after gaining such a huge amount , but what he did not know was that a master cultivator was secretly following him . Xiang Shui was a Qi iniator cultivator he was weak for Shi Ah .

Xiang Shui arrived at the inn .

" brother I have arrived " Xiang Shui walked in .

Shi Ah saw the inn " such a small inn was able to gather 20 grade 7 cores I wonder . "

As shi ah close the inn a tremendous aura suppressed him .

like a dragon preying on a rabbit .

Shi Ah shivered " what presence "

" why would such a being stay hidden at such an isolated inn . "

Shi Ah was about to leave when suddenly a arrow headed his way .

Shi Ah waa caught unguarded and was struck he fell to the floor .

He saw Zhu Shui who was emitting a killing intent . " who are you and why did you follow Xiang Shui "

Shi Ah " A master cultivator , but he isn't the one who exerted the preassure a whilw ago . I have underestinated this inn . "

" I am just a passerby I am sorry for intruding this place "

Zhu Shui prepares to attack " who said you can leave . "

Zhu Shui was ordered by Ren Cheng to kill the intruder and he can't argure .

" If you insist "

Shi Ah launched a dagger forward it was quick , Zhu Shui blocked the dagger and revealed his sword and moved forward slicing the air .

Shi Ah was at a dissadvantage as he is injured . The battle continued with Shi Ah constant dodges , but Zhu Shui quickly adapted and was able to land a strike .

Shi Ah fell down . Zhu Shui felt pity as he strike Shi Ah dead .

" pitiful "

Xiang Shui handed the gold to ren Cheng , Ren Cheng split the profit into 4

25,000 gold each .

" Senior Cheng with this much money we can enter the inner city "

[ Zhu Shui laughed " It is not our money it is all thanks to Senior ]

Xu Fang also nodded " Senior this I don't deserve this "

Ren Chen smiled " take it as a token of gratitude "

" I will be needing your assistance so I will help you train "

Ren Cheng wrote a description " buy the materials and someone buy me a couldron I will concoct some pills for you 3 "

" this senior thank you "

After which Zhu Shui and Xiang Shui hurriedly bought the supplies .

Zhu Shui and Xiang Shui was able to find a grade 7 couldron and the items were well maintained .

" this is good enough "

" don't bother me for the next hour . "

1 hour later pills appeared from the couldron .

" ah it's been a long time "

the pills look godly it was emitting a very powerfull aura . He handed them to Zhu Shui and Xiang Shui

" hurry and take it and for the next 3 days properly intake it "

Zhu Shui and Xiang Shui thanked Ren Cheng .

3 days passed ..

Zhu Shui left his 3 day slumber he's body emitting a powerfull aura .

" grandmaster realm not bad " Ren Chrn commented .

Xiang Shui arrived next he's body changed alot he has grown a couple of centimeters .

" your finally a warrior "

[ Xiang Shui and Zhu Shui cupped their hands ]

" thank you senior "

" now that you have grown strong I will asign you some tasks , Xiang Shui you have achieved the warrior rank and at the mere age of 15 you can join the academy do your best . "

[ Xiang Shui cupped his hands ]

" and for your Zhu Shui you will be tasked to join the army you are only 17 and already a grandmaster they will be happy to have you . "

[ Zhu Shui cupped his hands ]

" Xu Fang I would also wish for you to join the inner city money is not a problem "

" This " Xu fang was anxious

" don't worry I will be supporting you from the back "

Xu Fang nodded .

" Then after 3 years we will meet again "

Xiang Shui said " I promise to be a top student and graduate at a higher realm . "

Zhu Shui smiled " we will be waiting , I will also do my best "

Zhu Shui , Xu Fang and Xiang Shui cupped their hands in respects to ren Cheng .

" senior what will you be doing ? "

" me . I will be travelling , but after I help Xu Fang don't worry we will meet again "

The 4 of them will be known as the legendary 4 in the future they will shake the whole world .