the other nobles clapped their hands " congratulations prince "

bai guo laughed but suddenly .

" 20,000 gold "

Ren Cheng shouted

the nobles were dazed

" who is willing to challenge the prince "

bai guo expression turned grim .

" insolent " the old man beside him said in despise " let me teach him a lesson prince .

the prince stopped him " he wants to compare money with me then let us see who will win . "

25,000 bai guo said

ren cheng expression was un moved .

Xu Feng " senior "

Ren Cheng " don't worry "

ren cheng then closed his eyes then magically the gold inside his card increased .

Xu Feng was shocked after looking at the digits inside her spatial card change .

" senior can manipulate space ! "

" no I can only materialize materials b8t it is not free as it is supposed to be an equivalent exchange "

" So this amount of money was generated from a source from your own belongings ? "

[ Ren Cheng nodded his head ]

" call 100,000 "

Bai Guo and the other nobles were shocked 100,000 gold was a very large amount even for them .

" who is this kid could he not be from the human city "

Bai Guo face was expressionless " 100,000 , fuck this kid I will kill him "

" prince should I strike now "

" no wait until the end with that much money he must have a supporter that might be influencial "

The young woman was recieved by Ren Cheng .

" sister " mo wen ran towards her sister and hugged her tightly

" mo wen " The woman cried

the woman glanced at ren cheng " thank you senior for bringing me and my sister together .I will forever be in your debt "

Ren Cheng approached the two sisters " From now on the two of you will be my sisters remember that I will always protect you "

Xu Feng on the side was glad as she look at the 3 .

" let's head out " After Ren Cheng handed the 100,000 gold the 4 left the place .

when suddenly " insolent ant give those two to me and I shall let you live also "

the old man looked at Xu Feng " hmmm also that woman "

Xu Feng was angered .

The old man released his aura .

" pity a mere grandmaster realm wishes to kill me maybe if you were a monarch ypu could have put a fight . "

the man laughed " insolent I dont even see any strength from you die ! "

just before he can move he felt a tear in space and suddenly he's head was chopped off .

" insolent " ren cheng teared space once more and transported the man's body into a different space . " You will be a good food to ness . "

The other man hidden in the shadows was shocked he was assigned by lai bao , but after witnessing the immense force he imedietly ran , but .

" fleeing ? "

the old man peed his pants when he was forced to stop by a strange wall .

" ness dinner "

a large monster was staring at the old man

" gulp " the old man " please senior have mercy "

Ren Cheng " Xu Feng close the two girls eyes . "

Xu Feng nodded

the old man kneeled and continued pleading he was a pridefull cultivator at the grandmaster realm , but when he feel Ren Cheng power he feels like a rabbit preyed by a dragon .

" very well I will give you a chance tell me who sent you "

" that "

" ness "

" wait wait "

" It was master lai bao "

" one of the 4 geniuses well they will all die anyway and so will this imperial city . "

" please free me "

" as you wish ness "

" no no "

ness bites the old mans head off and returns back to a secluded space .

" 4 geniuses and the imperial family I will not show any mercy .. "

" Xu Feng lead them back home and buy them some clothes I have matters to take care off . "

Xu Feng nodded ." take care . "

Mo Wen ran towards Ren Cheng and so did Du Wen they both hugged him tight " brother please come back safe "

Ren Cheng patted their heads " don't worry "

Xu Feng was shocked " this hahaha "

Ren Cheng tore space " enter this and it will teleport you back home "

Xu Feng and the others followed Ren Cheng's instructions .

" now , its show time "

Ren Cheng tore space and quickly arrived at the imperial house .

the emperor was a old man and was sitting down on his throne .

" this feeling "