
The crowd grew excited as their feet stomped in the stands of the coliseum, as the two fighters struggled to finish each other off.

One of them was a man dressed in roman lorica segmentata, with some of the Pteruges riddled with shurikens, Tassets that covered his thighs as they were fully flexed from his crouching posture, his sabatons were ruined by the caltrops that covered the ground causing him to be wary of where he stepped.

The man's shield was on the ground some distance away, burning from the attack caused by his opponent, leaving this roman warrior with only his trusted spear in both hands as he kept his eyes on the woman in front of him.

Trickles of sweat dripped down the side of his face as he initially looked down on this girl that looked no older than 16.

The young girl's frame was draped in a kimono with her limbs covered in a fishnet-designed cloth that improved her movement.

In her hands was a ninjato in her left that spun playfully while in the other a set of shurikens, her face was mostly covered, her raven eyes looked at him coldly, with her short black hair fluttering from the wind.

A 'kunoichi' was what he heard from the audience something that he'll remember in the future!

Many amongst the audience found her alluring as did the roman warrior, but this was a tournament and he had to win as the prize was something even more alluring than the woman in front of him, a scroll that could allow the user to create a unique ability of their choosing!

Thus with all of his hesitation tossed aside, the roman warrior charged forth, ignoring the caltrops that dug into his feet, while the distance between them was only two or three meters.

It was still a distance reachable for a man that was trained to kill his enemies with a single thrust, his sudden action caused the whole area to go silent.

Everyone was on the edge of their seats, fully believing that this was the finale and this move of his was something that none of his previous opponents were able to dodge.

His grin grew on his face as the girl stumbled backward, he chuckled inwardly while chiding her for being too arrogant, but once, his spear was close to piercing through her throat.

There was a sound of a snap as her body suddenly moved out of the way like a snake, followed by a 'ting' sound, and a spark took form around her mouth as her mask was lowered.

Allowing everyone to see her beautiful looks, but for the roman warrior, the lick of flames that escaped the gaps of her white teeth caused him to react by forcing his body to roll to the side in hopes to escape this attack.

Still, the torrent of flames that followed was too fast as it quickly enveloped his escaping frame.

This was it for him.

This was game over as his shrill cries of agony soon filled the arena.

The Kunoichi had won!

But as for what the kunoichi was thinking at this moment was peculiar.

"Once I get that scroll, I'll finally change this character into a man like how it should be!"

The kunoichi's name was Kuroe Kisaki, 15 years old, and despite what the character's gender was now...

...He was a bonafide healthy male that was forced to stick with his character's current looks due to the system registering his avatar as a female even after deleting and recreating his avatar multiple times before giving up!