Overpowered savior? Good thing or a bad thing?

Akira coughed up some blood before struggling to see who her attacker was!

It was a middle-aged man holding two types of blades. One was covered in spikes, with the other meant for fencing.

Luckily for her, it was the latter, or it would've been a painful end for Akira!

But the attacker wasn't done, as he added.

"oh? to think that you can still move despite having one of my blades through your heart?"

Akira wasn't sure why it was possible, but she probably won't get the chance to find out tonight as the man raised his other blade getting it ready to chop her head off!

But an animalist growl made the man stop his attack before an obscure figure had appeared.

Then sparks flew about as Akira felt the cold blade leave her body.

She fell to the ground in pain while trying so hard to breathe as a whistling sound came from her chest wound!

The attacker was now facing a kunoichi wearing a pair of gauntlets and sabatons.

Her body spun so fast that gales of wind followed her limbs.

The kunoichi's opponent already had his blade ready to block the incoming strike!


Her first attack was a hammer fist that caused the sword in the enemy Rappai's hand to buzz from the sheer force behind the punch, but the Woman wasn't done as she followed up with another hammer fist with her other hand.


The ninja was already struggling to hold his sword as blood seeped out of the hands that gripped the sword tightly, but The kunoichi was relentless!


Her third and final attack was a heel drop that struck the sword, which was no longer appropriately held, showing off the inhuman strength with the speed of the same level.

She knocked the sword out of the man's hands and wholly crushed his face!

The victim of her attack got slammed to the ground with his pupils turned white.

There was a high chance that the man was dead, but this was a rappai we are talking about here, So the kunoichi raised one hand high that quickly turned into a fist before delivering her finishing blow.

The sickening sound of something getting crushed soon reverberated out, but the odd thing was that sound sounded nothing like bones.

But more like something wooden!

Sure enough, the Woman clicked her tongue in annoyance before yelling out.


Her target had pulled a substitution technique on her, as seconds later, a male voice that sounded like his nose got clogged replied, For apparent reasons~.

"I'd rather not since I like being alive~. However, next time I'll be sure to have my fun with you, slut of the Iga clan, and that new bitch!"

The title that he mentioned indeed took its effect on her as the kunoichi's eyes turned red with fury before those bloodshot eyes ' locked on' to the nearest group of trainees as one of them looked like he was about shit himself in fear!

The chunin quickly escaped without turning back, altogether abandoning the trainees to the terrible fate that awaited them.

So with no one higher than a trainee in this group, you could say it was like leaving a pack of sheep with a hungry leopard.

Hell, one of the trainees ended up saying something that Akira managed to hear as she struggled to apply some healing paste to her wound.


Not even a second after saying that, the Woman roared like a wild beast in anger before yelling out.


Well, she certainly matched certain aspects of one. Her messy blonde hair made it look like a pair of feline ears on the top of her head.

There were even black spots in that bush of hair. All that was missing now was a cat-...

She had a sash around her waist with one end dangling down her back...

...it looked like a tail from a distance!

That might be why they called her that!

While she slaughtered the trainees, Akira began to blackout from pain, exhaustion, and how much stress her mind had accumulated from this trip, especially with her first kill.

So she decided to log out since her character was no longer in a situation that was considered 'in combat,' not knowing that her avatar would be in a different location~.


As Kuroe logged out, mentally tired, and was halfway into removing his headset, something significant caught his attention.

The message the headset had shown was about his avatar.

Name: Akira

Class: Shinobi

Current activated Skills:

>Medicine level 00 (11/100)

>Taming level 00 (03/100)

>Herbalism level 00 (16/100)

>Stealth level 00 (77/100)

>Assassination level 00 (22/100)

>Projectile mastery level (53/100)

>Sprinting level 00 (34/1000)

Kuroe said to himself in relief.

"Well, at least I can monitor my growth every time I log out~."

But that wasn't the end as the screen showed a series of messages which made our protagonist blurt out.



Well, that was certainly a surprise for him, as he mumbled to himself.

"Oh? I wonder what was first missions were?"

The headset assumed that his words were an inquiry.

Thus, it moved to another point of view showing three snapshots of his character, with the first one being somewhat questionable since it was showing a full view of Akira's loincloth-covered crotch for some reason!

"Was this taken by a damned pervert!?"

As if reacting to his words, The picture changed again, with Akira's waist and below missing from the snapshot.

He snorted in annoyance before seeing what his first mission was.

To unlock the skill 'Medicine,' you must...


The second picture showed a man lying on the ground cupping his nuts with a pained expression, while in the distance, Akira seemed to have a 'whoops' look on her face as she was escaping~

To unlock the skill of 'Throwing mastery,' you must deliver a heavy blow with one throw!

̶<̶<̶K̶n̶o̶c̶k̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶f̶u̶c̶k̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶!̶>̶>̶

̶<̶<̶T̶u̶r̶n̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶-̶e̶y̶e̶d̶!̶>̶>̶


̶<̶<̶Y̶o̶u̶ ̶g̶o̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶l̶i̶t̶t̶l̶e̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶!̶>̶>̶


The third picture showed little chibi versions of Akira stabbing her rusty ninjato through a man's skull from above.

Another photo showed a familiar spearman stabbing his weapon through another man's throat!

To unlock the skill 'Assassination,' you must cause the death of your target directly or indirectly!




He let out a sigh of relief.

The young man was going to ask something else, but again the screen changed, showing him something good and bad!


There was no pain, nor was there any sudden influx of information...

"Was that a hoax?"

Sure, this initially excited him, but with no apparent changes, it made him skeptical.

Then again, should this effect be accurate?

How many players will begin to abuse this perk?

So he quickly asked.

"How many players will get to enjoy this perk?"

The headset then showed another message.


Kuroe was about to smile because only a few players would take advantage of this, but the series of messages didn't end there.



This confused him. Thus, he inquired.

"What is the difference between synchronized skills and rewards compared to those we earn in-game?"


Upon realizing what this meant, Kuroe could only mutter two words, especially with how much this can change players compared to how it was in the previous installments of this game!

"Holy shit!"