CHAPTER FIFTY-SEVEN (57) Unreasonable

"I sure did." Rose Zoned out. She sure confirmed the food but yet to confirm what type of man, he was. She found it weird that she even easily apologized to him.

She clarified things more for him and felt bad that she had kicked him the first time they met.

Shouldn't she make up for that?

Yes, she should.

How though? Uhm... she had to think.

Rose whom was deep in thought had totally forgotten about Zedong's presence in her office as well as the fact that the Lu's were likely to be roaming mad.


"I can't believe this!" President Lu picked up his coffee cup and threw it at the wall. It broke and shattered in many pieces.

Lu Jing dodged to the side avoiding the cup that would have hit his head instead.

"That girl is crazy! She's crazy! I can't believe this! What will she gain after this? Does she think she's smart? Ha?" President Lu paced around his office, throwing questions at his employees.

Lu Jing on the other hand didn't know what to say or what to do to make his father feel better, so instead of talking, he kept his mouth pressed together.

He couldn't risk saying anything that might trigger his father. He knew the man's temper best.

"This is all your fault." Lu Jing's body stilled as he heard that. He felt all the pair of eyes in the room turn to him. His head was a little bit drooped, but he knew that his father was pointing at him at that moment with even raising his gaze.

Lu Jing decided it was best not to even react to the accusations, so he stood there frozen.

"It's all your fault!" President Lu screamed at the top of his voice. "What do you even know how to do? Hunh? How can you be so stupid to allow Zhang Wei control you? How can you be so dumb? I bet you don't even know how hard it is already for a small company like us? Now who will want to buy from a company that their son went to attack Chen Rose!!!" President Lu picked up his name plate and sent it flying towards his son.

Lu Jing dodged it.

"You bastard! Did you just dodge it? Ha!!!" President Lu seemed to have lost it as he picked up his pen holder and sent it towards his son again.

Lu Jing as always dodged it. He couldn't risk being hit on the face either. That will reduce his value. At least, for the fact he was handsome, he was able to get women flocking around him.

President Lu, circled his office table heading towards Lu Jing.

Lu Jing subconsciously took steps away from the man.

"What are you going to do?" Lu Jing heard his father's question but didn't know how to reply.

"What are you going to do this bastard?" President Lu gave his secretary a sign to block the door then continued to head to his son. "You don't even know anything about this company, how do I expect you to know what to do? Hmm? Are you deaf?" He raised his hand and hit Lu Jing on the back, close to his neck.

"Father!" Lu Jing cried out in pain. "I told you it's not me. It's Zhang Wei!"

"Are you raising your voice at me?"


The man hit him again.

Lu Jing's eyes turned bloodshot, he looked up trying to look for an escape. "Father stop it."

"Really?" President Lu almost laughed. "Why? Do you feel pain?"

Lu Jing didn't answer, he could feeling the rising ache in his head.

"Fight me," President Lu nudged his son. "Come on, since you went to fight a woman. Out of the whole women in Beijing, you decided it will be her? You shameless son of mine." He struck Lu Jing for the third time with his folded fists and watched the pained look on his son's face.

Lu Jing gritted his teeth and didn't say anything. He made growling sound only then stopped.

President Lu gave up, it was no use since he wasn't reciprocating.

The man put his hands on his waist and sighed.

"We really can't do anything but wait for reviews..."


Su Yuanqi was the last person to step out of the shop when his eyes came in contact with Mr Song.

"Yuan'er," the older man called out with an endearing voice.

Yuanqi was expressionless.

The side of Changsu mouth lifted slightly. "Mr Song, don't you think that's a bit outrageous?"

Mr Song cleared his throat and gave a dry laugh. "Ah? Don't say that?"

"Why shouldn't he?" Baozhai fired. "What do want him to say? To praise you?"


"Don't call me that!" Baozhai's mood dropped further. "Why are you even here?"

Mr Song swallowed not knowing how to calm them down. "I know I'm wrong but..."

"You don't have to say you are wrong if you'd still try to justify your actions." Shen spoke up. "That make you a foolish person." He tilted his head at the man. "Don't you agree?"


"As an elder you should know that much, right?"

Mr Song let out a deep sigh. There was no way he could talk to them as they weren't willing to even listen without having something to say. He eyes went up where Yuanqi was and he advanced forward to go to him but Changsu blocked his path.

"Where do you think you're going?" Changsu took his hands out of his pockets as if to say he was ready to push the man away.

Mr Song let out another deep sigh. "What is wrong with y'all? Hmm? I came to see you and try to settle this, stop being so unreasonable."

"Unreasonable?" Baozhai squinted her eyes at the man. "Did I hear you say unreasonable?" She took steps toward the man. "It's you," she pointed at him. "It's you whom is unreasonable! You've become so unreasonable to the extent that you can't redeem yourself!"