
XIV : Forming the Team.

I opened the door then a beautiful woman showed up. She's a jawdropping.

" I'm Karina Lang. A.K.A. Chloe. " She said.

" Wa-- Hi. So um you want some juice or wh- what? I can gi- give you anything! " I told to her then she gaved me a kiss on the cheek. Then she went to my computer set. " You're really a gamer. We need to find the others. " She explained then she pulled something in her pants. She opened the USB then she tried to locate the others. " Aha! Richard Giulietta A.K.A. Leviticus. There we go, then this girl Katrina Rhodes A.K.A. Kira. Now we should send a message to them so we they can go here. Richard Giulietta's accent ingame is Hispanic so he is Mexico. Then Katrina's a British. So we should send each of them a $500 so they can go here. They must be here in just a 3 or 4 days, I guess. " She told me then I remembered someone. " What about... Lucifer? He'll be a good ally. " I suggested then she said, " He's a bad guy! He'll kill us during our match with our opponent. " But then I typed it then someone popped out.

« Stephen Lang, A.K.A. Lucifer. »

" You guys are connected? " I asked then she was confused. " My brother's dead. It can't be him. How? " Then she marked a target on him.

" Well, we're going on a trip then. " She said then she went to her car. I went to but I bringed my Octavia Console then she started to drive. " Fast driver aren't you? " I said then I put my console in my head then I logged in.

« Hello, welcome to Octavia! Nice to be back Metalypsis. »

I walked a bit then I see a strange man standing behind the sculpture. I walked into him then he ran fast. " Hey sir! " But he's too fast so I lost him. He dropped his OctavianApartment ID so I managed to track his location and know his name. " Shaido. " That's his name. So I went to the apartments then I went to his door. I put it into the ID scanner then it opened. I explored his apartment, it was dark and then it was quiet.

Then I found a glowing device, it is a GPS in real world. The location of him is moving and behind me. " Wait. Behind me? " I logged out fast then I check the back of the car.

" Don't move or I'll shoot. " He said then he added, " DON'T STOP DRIVING! " Then she drived fast then she stepped at the break fast too. So the man hit the front of the car's glass then we tied him.

" Start explaining right now. " We said then he laughed. " Your brother's a bad guy. Don't go to that place. He killed your family remember? HAHAHAHA then you'll go to him? That's dumb " He said then Katrina pulled a gun and then aimed at his head.

" Shut up or I'll kill you. " She threatened him the I pulled her hand but she refused to.

" You know Stephen is a devil one he's a traitor, a cheater, a monst--- " His head blew up when Katrina shot her. " Now you're quiet. " She said and then entered the car. " What the hell is wrong with you Katrina! You murdered a man! You'll be busted! " I said then she started driving faster. And then after some hours being quiet in the car, we arrived a dark place.