Chapter 2

12 years later ...

"Xuefeng! Have you seen your little sister?" Wen Ping asked her son who was practicing his sword.

Yueliang became the most doted daughter of the Wen family, taking the Wen's family's last name. Hearing that her mother was searching for her, she closed her book and stood up.

"Mother, is there something wrong?" she asked, emerging from the garden.

"The Emperor's personal bodyguard is sent to fetch you. Hurry and get dressed!" the first wife of the Wen family, Madam Wen Ping.

"My lady, the Empress has also sent a gift," Xie Bai said as he presented a small, long box to Yueliang.

"I will thank the Empress personally for this gift," she bowed as she received the small box. "But, can my brother come along and escort me?"

Xie Bai thought for a moment. There is no way that the Emperor and Empress could decline this small request.

"Yes, my lady," Xie Bai smiled as he watched the young lady giggle.

"Then, I will change. Please, wait here for a moment," Yueliang said as she left for her room.

"Are the Emperor and Empress doing well?" Wen Ping asked Xie Bai.

"Hmm, yes. They are looking forward to seeing the young miss again," he replied.

Wen Ping remembered how the young lady came to them, she was actually sent away from the palace because she was a deity.

"Xuefeng, go prepare as well, you will escort your little sister to the summer palace," Wen Ping said as he turned to leave.

"I shall take my leave, as other matters also needs my attention," she said.

"It's okay, my lady," Xie Bai smiled.

However, the 2nd wife of the Wen Family was watching. She had always loathed Yueliang as she robbed the affection of General Wen's from her own daughter, the supposed to be 1st lady of the family. She had no idea how Yueliang got into the family.

As soon as Xie Bai was alone to wait for the 1st lady, she quickly approached him.

"Greetings to the Emperor's trusted bodyguard," she smiled.

"Greetings, my lady. But who are you?" he asked.

She forced herself to smile after hearing him ask.

"I am the General's second wife, Wen Qing," she greeted. "I see that lady Yueliang is going to visit the Emperor and Empress?"

Xie Bai only smiled. He was warned by the General never to speak with the 2nd wife.

"My daughter and lady Yueliang are very close. Will it be possible if she comes with her?" Wen Qing asked.

Xie Bai didn't know how to respond. As he was about to say yes, the General himself arrived.

"Greetings to the great General Wen Hu," Xie Bai and Wen Qing greeted as they bowed.

"Has the Emperor and Empress asked for my daughter again?" he asked.

"Yes, she is currently changing, my Lord," Xie Bai said.

"That's good. Let her take her elder brother with her," the general smiled.

"My Lord, if you allow it, I'd like Wen Fang to also accompany Lady Yueliang to greet the Emperor and the Empress," she suggested.

The General looked at her.

"Feng is still grounded from what she did to her only sister. She almost killed Yueliang! She will stay in her room until I say so," he said before turning towards Lady Yueliang's who arrived, dress in the most elaborate dress that the Empress had sent the night before, wearing a beaded, jade hairpin that the Empress had sent.

The way Lady Yueliang dressed sparked Lady Qing's jealousy.

"Fang had never worn this kind of clothes!" Lady Qing angrily said. She couldn't contain her jealousy and anger anymore.

"This is not the place for you to express your jealousy, Lady Qing," Lady Ping said who was just behind Yueliang.

Lady Yue remained silent. She knew that Lady Qing and Lady Feng never liked her and expressed this worry to her father.

"My apologies, Lady Ping," Lady Qing said as she bowed to the first wife.

"Mother, Father, why don't you let Lady Feng accompany me to see his majesties?" Yueliang gently smiled.

Lady Feng suddenly jumped out from nowhere already dressed in her best clothes.

"Will you let me, father?" she asked.

The General sighed as it was already Yueliang who asked.

"Fine. Behave yourself and never embarrass Yueliang.

"Thank you for your generosity, father," Feng smiled.

'This is a great opportunity for me to marry a prince! I certainly will marry the crown prince!' Feng thought.

As they set out, Feng chose to ride on a more elaborate carriage than ride on the same carriage as Yue.

"Are you sure about letting Feng accompany you?" Xuefeng asked who was riding a horse outside her carriage.

Yue looked over her window and smiled at her brother.

"Feng is still our sister, if she wants to accompany then I will let her," she said.

"Have you forgotten how she pushed you at the pond yesterday? You almost got yourself killed if it weren't for me," he said.

"Don't worry, big brother. She will behave, after all, we will be meeting the Emperor and Empress. And besides, you're with me. Nothing bad would happen to me if you're around," she laughed.

"If she ever makes a move that would harm you, I will force her home, okay?" he warned.

"Alright," she smiled as she closed the curtain.

Xuefeng had been traumatized numerous times as Feng had always attempted to harm Yue. He had grown to love Yue so much and treated her like his own sister. She was kind, generous and always had this gentle smile on her face. Unlike his own biological sister, Feng who has always been mean, whether to their other siblings or to the maids. When Yue arrived into their home, Feng hated her so much.

When they arrived at the Summer palace, the Emperor and Empress had an emergency meeting to attend to so they were sent to the pavilion where the Imperial Noble Consort was lounging.

The Noble Consort Yahui was fond of Yue as she was born at the same day as the 8th prince. She was also the Empress's most trusted ally inside the Imperial Harem as both of them never competed for the Emperor's favor.

The moment she saw Yue, she smiled widely. But as her expression quickly turned sour as soon as her eyes fell on the young lady Fang.

"We pay respect to the Kind Imperial Noble Consort Yahui," the two ladies bowed.

"How are you, Yue?" she asked Yueliang as she disregarded the other one.

"I've been well, your highness," Yue smiled.

"Come, sit here with me," she said as she patted the seat beside her.

Feeling out of place, Lady Fang excused herself in which the Noble Consort quickly permitted.