Chapter 21

As the banquet continued unto the night, the guests were enjoying themselves that they failed to realize the moon was turning red.

Yue quickly realized it and whispered to the prince's ear to go hide for a moment since she has something important to talk to him.

"What is it?" Jiahao asked as soon as they were already alone.

Yue turned back into her human form with a worried look on her face.

"I'm afraid that the time I've been worried about has come already. I never thought that this day would arrive sooner than I expected," she said.

"What is it?" Jiahao asked.

"The day where my powers at its peak. Once the moon is in its full form, I will turn into my original form," she said.

"Original form?" he asked.

"Yes," she said. "I will turn into a Phoenix."

"And by that time arrives, I will need you beside the Emperor," she said.

As she explained further, he started to understand that Yue had chosen him to become the next Emperor.

"You were born the moment I was brought down. A man born on the same day as a Phoenix is meant to become the Emperor. Even before you were born, Heavenly Father Emperor has chosen you to rule over the Empire of Li," she said. "When we go back, stay beside the Emperor."

Jiahao nodded.

"But first, we need to inform your brothers what will happen," she said before she leaned on him and placed her lips over his. A glowing tiny ball was then passed to him.

The prince who was in the state of shock because of the unexpected kiss quickly covered his lips.

"Take care of it. That is my soul. It means I have chosen you to become the Emperor," she said as she touched his face before turning back into her bird form. "Now, let's go."

Jiahao clutched his chest as his heart wouldn't calm down. He has been in love with her but never took a step further to chase after her since he respected her that much. He walked into the party where the music was still loud and the people were having fun. He spotted his brothers sitting on their seats, casually talking with each other.

"Your Highness," Jiahao greeted his brothers.

"What is it?" Xuiying asked who quickly caught up with the situation.

"It's time," Jiahao said.

"What? We still haven't cleared the court from all the impurities," Yuhan said as he placed his cup down.

"The moon is turning red. Once it achieves its full form, Yue's power will be at its peak. And when that time comes, she will choose someone from us," Jiahao said. He felt guilty not telling his brothers that he was the one that Yue has chosen.

"We can worry about the impurities in the court later. You should protect Father Emperor and Mother Empress first," Yue said. She was starting to feel the surge of power through her veins indicating that she was close to the peak of her power.

Flames started showing at the edge of her wings and her eyes became fiery red as if flames were inside her eyes.

"It won't be long until I achieve my final form. Hurry," Yue said.

She closed her eyes and tried to suppress her powers to give the Li brothers enough time to prepare.

"Bring me a red silk ribbon so I may tie it to the person the heavens chose. Bring me a golden cup from the chosen Emperor will drink from the heavenly rain that will pour. And lastly, bring me some hair from each of your head that the heavens will tie to the chosen Emperor's hair to symbolize your faith and loyalty to the chosen Emperor," Yue said.

The princes were quick on their feet. They couldn't afford to go tell servants to do those for them. Each moved quickly and swiftly without disturbing or stirring up curiosity from the people in the banquet. They secretly cut some of their hair to avoid suspicion.

"Your Highness, the Emperor wishes to talk to you," an Imperial Eunuch said as he approached them.

The princes nodded. Perhaps it was to congratulate Jiahao from winning the war and bringing glory to the Imperial Family.

But as Jiahao approached the Emperor, he noticed that Fang was beside the Empress. The crown princess in training was smiling happily as if something good has happened to her.

"Ahh, my son. I thought you hated banquets like this," the old Emperor said.

"Father Emperor has thrown this banquet for me. How can I refuse?" Jiahao replied as he bowed to the Emperor and to the Empress.

"Such a good son," the Empress commented. "I wish Xuiying was as half as filial as you are."

"Brother Xuiying also has his deal of hardships and also wishes to give Father Emperor and the Imperial Family a great honor," Jiahao said.

"You will make such a great ruler one day," the Emperor said.

The crowd suddenly went quiet as they noticed that the Emperor was going to give an important announcement. But as the situation got even tenser, Yue was struggling to suppress the power in her veins. It seemed like her Heavenly Father Emperor was pushing her to the edge.