Chapter 46

When Dinah moved the slave's hands apart something unexpected happened.

Her eyes widened at the sight of his common cotton underpants with a big bulge within! Dinah recoiled in shock. She couldn't take her eyes off him for a short moment, then she yelled:

«That's disgusting! Hide it away immediately!»

Kyon obeyed and shyly looked at the floor. He said in a hollow voice:

«I am sorry... It's just... You are so beautiful… please, forgive me...»

Dinah closed her eyes. She had to try and calm down, appease the thrill of her heart. A pulsating vein popped up on her smooth forehead. Anger was seething inside her mixed with disgust. However, her desire to kill the rascal on the spot seemed to have evaporated. A wretched nobody like him dared to get aroused looking at her... Not that it was surprising. Didn't she come dressed in just a nightie and nothing else? (Her favorite, by the way.) It was expected that the boy would be smitten. Dinah had already lost the thread of her thought.

Kyon made his stomach growl in an attempt to change the subject. He blushed and turned his eyes away.

«My lady Dinah, may I have something to eat, please?»

«You must be grateful I didn't feed you your little buddy freshly cut.» - The maid said and turned to leave.

«I don't know what buddy you're talking about. I'm starving, my lady Dinah.»

The maid froze, turned around and looked at the slave as if he was mentally retarded. She looked perplexed. Did he seriously fail to understand what she was talking about or was he teasing her? The boy must have a death wish!

«You…» - Dinah muttered something through her teeth that sounded like a curse. Then she turned her back on the worm of a man she thought he was and left. As expected, she locked the gate behind her.

Kyon let out a sigh of relief when the footsteps behind the wall subsided. He stretched the elastic of his underpants and greeted with a cheerful grin... no, not "his buddy" but the blouse and the black panties wrapped around his hips. Yes, there was no other place to hide them. And no, he did not put them on.

{No doubt, Jean will do something very dirty with your underwear... you, poor little fool.}

When Kyon noticed the maid's suspicious look at his underpants he figured out she was going to search him all over, so he decided to take that desperate step to mislead her... Surprisingly, the maid did not kill him... One single touch and Juno sentenced her previous slave to a cruel execution. And Kyon was still alive.

He knew that the maids were unaware of the rule that a slave had to be a eunuch or impotent. According to Flitz, slaves hadn't been castrated before, and they hadn't been given any "evilball" either (it's a relatively new drug). Moreover, the old man didn't tell anyone but Juno about the evilball, and it wasn't something that the young lady would like to share.

The nightmare was over. His unlikely plan had been gradually implemented in life.

Kyon's stomach rumbled, not intentionally this time but for very natural, physiological reasons. His wonderful mood had vanished into thin air. He had yet to get through the next day and find a way to get the sausage from Marina. Most importantly, he had to deliver the lingerie to Jean and finally master the basic grade of the elements without which they would quickly make mincemeat of him here.

A night on the bench couldn't be called a pleasant one bу any stretch of the imagination.

Kyon woke up stiff, cold and completely numb. He stretched with a groan and called Marina. Unfortunately, his fortune kept refusing to smile on him:

«How come you don't know when you'll come? Why?!»

Her voice sounded guilty:

«Flitz has given me an important task... I'm sorry, but I just can't…»

Kyon pulled a long face. It served him right for entrusting strangers with his destiny. No, he didn't hold a grudge against Marina. He was no one for her, anyway. Why should she violate her master's orders for his sake? – {Yeah…. My life has definitely decided to be a b...}

«Kyon, I promise I'll come tomorrow! Don't worry, please. I would like to know... I mean to meet you.» - Marina hastily corrected herself.

«If I live to see tomorrow.» - Kyon sighed pessimistically and hung up. His body hadn't fully recovered yet. Without food, he simply had no energy. All his plans were going down the drain, his last hope was Jean, or rather the basic grade of the elements that the master had promised to give away in exchange for the panties.

After a couple of hours, the key creaked in the lock, and the gate swung open from a mighty kick. No one other than death itself in Juno's disguise had come to the training area. She had her usual skintight training outfit on: ballet shoes, skinny pants, a sweatshirt, and a charmingly demonic grin promising her personal punching bag all the torments of hell.

Everyone in this world was obsessed with cultivation. As for Juno, her urge to get stronger was a record holder. She has to pin down her own sister. A fight with a slave was more like entertainment for her sadistic nature rather than practice.

Kyon rolled off the bench at the last minute as if he had never been there. He had no desire to taunt the young lady. His guts filled with rage at the sight of her goldilocks. Too bad rage wasn't nutritious enough. It could only cause indigestion.

Juno came hopping to the training ground when suddenly she had a moment of perplexion. According to any common sense, the slave should have died of hunger and injuries long ago. Apparently, he was really a tough one. She was eager to punch his pretty face, but there was one unresolved issue:

«Yesterday, you pawed me when I fell on you, slave. I order you to knock out all your teeth for that.»

Kyon was infuriated. {WHAT?! BITCH, WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU GET OFF?!} - His hatred was almost tangible. It was she who fell on him yesterday, and he had to pay the price!? Vindictive hypocritical piece of shit! Kyon was about to lose it. He had to bite back the swear words at the tip of his tongue. He was too close to breaking the order to keep silent, but he pulled himself up. He had a faint hope of survival yet. He was still counting on the basic grade of pure force. There still was hope, and Kyon was not going to let it go.

{I swear as soon as I have a chance, I'll crush you like a nut!}

The corners of Juno's mouth lifted when she saw the outraged slave's face give way to bitterness. What a delightful sight! She took great pleasure in the misfortune of others. He had it coming for getting in her way. He should be grateful to her for not giving orders to kill him at once. She would do this pleasant task herself.

Kyon punched himself in the jaw with a bitter face. His white teeth smeared with blood fell out from his mouth one after the other. The young enchantress almost clapped her hands with delight, pleased with the performance. It was her idea of pure happiness - to watch a pathetic nobody getting what he deserved.

Almost all of his teeth had been knocked out. Blood was spurting from his mouth, which did not add to the beauty of his half-zombie image. The past few days had taken the shine out of him. He was a pitiful sight - pale, tired, barely standing on his feet. And on top of all that was her goddamned order... Kyon will never forgive her.

It might seem that Kyon was humiliated and crushed, but it was not true. He was in an extremely stressful situation where he was mortified and trampled underfoot. But who said it would break him? He took a sober view on things, played by the rules to rise from the ashes like a phoenix. The eternal flame was burning in his eyes, the flame of the former emperor. If a man like that kneels, if he has to eat the dirt, it's only because he is certain that the time will come to turn the tables. They will kneel before him.

When the obedient slave was done knocking his teeth out, Juno clapped her hands. Then she squeezed her snow-white fists and attacked him. The time had come to finish off the scumbag. He had been alive for too long.

Kyon spat blood. He had never craved to break someone's skull so much. {BITCH, I will beat the hell out of you before I die!}

*pum* *pam* *pum*

However, Kyon couldn't beat her at all. He kept missing more and more punches and was feeling worse and worse. He was pale and started cramping. Kyon could hardly move, let alone hit Juno. During their short battle, she had picked up some of his skills and raised her battle fist level up to 3.5. There was not a shred of pity on her face, only gloating and a kind of maniacal pleasure from giving him injuries and pain.

Juno couldn't figure out why the slave's maneuvers and movements were beyond her comprehension. He lacked twice as much speed and yet made her move faster. Anyway, Juno refused to accept that a slave could teach her anything. She thought that her newly acquired skills were connected with her practice with Jean.

At some point, Kyon collapsed on the floor, unable to go on. He could tell the sadistic lady everything he thought of her, but it wouldn't increase his chances of survival, and there was still a chance.

The nightmare wasn't over yet. Juno started kicking him, humming ecstatically to the beat. Kyon could feel more and more injuries on his numb body: here a sidekick that had hit a kidney, and that one had nearly broken a tendon. Another kick and his ribs creaked, one of them cracked. Juno wasn't above hitting him two or three times in the same place. Her goal was to destroy him. The end was near.

Juno's smile was getting ever more dazzling. She enjoyed beating his soft, alive (so far) body! Flitz had made her a wonderful punching bag. She was going to ask him for some more like this. What a buzz... Juno only wished the scumbag would scream louder. His volume automatically increased or what?

Suddenly Juno's sound transmitter dinged.

The young lady stopped finishing off the "dummy." She snarled with annoyance at the caller's frequency but answered the call:

«What do you want?»

«Juno, forgive me… Please! It's my fault! I want to make it up to you! May I come to you?» - The pleading voice in the device belonged to Yegorka.

«No! And stop calling me! You are annoying!» - Juno lost her temper. She hung up and gave another heavy kick in the slave's ribs. Then she lost her heat and left the ground, apathetic.

Kyon was left behind, lifeless. His condition was worse than in a comatose state. One lung was torn, his knee joint swollen, his muscles pulsating in pain. Judging by the darting of Synergy, Juno had awarded him with a slight brain concussion, a broken nose, and a black eye. Kyon snorted: {Yegorka... It's the second time that you've saved my life.}

Nobody touched him for two hours. Then he struggled to stand up. Deadly pale, with throbbing pain in his head, Kyon had a keen desire to lie down and never wake up again. Emptiness in his eyes diluted with disappointment in the new life. If only Marina had brought the sausage...

Kyon hadn't had enough time to feel sorry for himself and imagine what might have happened if only... when the gates opened. And there again... The face of death in the guise of an angel girl. What a subtle irony.

Juno approached the slave with a slow, graceful step. She frowned her brows, puzzled. The slave was incredibly tenacious! A real treasure for a punching bag. With discontent, she put her wrist with a formation to her ear:


«My lady, master Jean is here.» - She heard Dinah's voice.

«He is early today… All right, let him in.» - Juno looked at the slave with disgust and growled in disappointment: - «I order you to keep out of sight. Stay put. I will finish off your miserable life later.»

Kyon rejoiced at the master's impatience. Driven by a desire to bury his nose in the lady's clothes stolen especially for him, Jean arrived at the mansion a few hours earlier and saved his life.

Kyon rose to his feet like undead and walked off, hiding unbearable pain. Master Jean had just entered the training ground. He immediately spotted Kyon and raised his eyebrows in a barely visible, silent question: "got it?"

Kyon nodded slightly: "got it."

The master had changed since their last meeting. He looked gaunt, emaciated, his red eyes gleaming feverishly on his pointed face. Could Jean be so excited about some rags that he didn't sleep last night?

Kyon quietly left the training ground and headed for the mansion. A crucial moment was approaching, a moment that could radically change his life. If the master sniffed out that the smell didn't belong to Juno, everything was lost. Kyon had thoroughly studied the internal structure of the mansion and knew exactly in which of the bathrooms Juno usually took a shower. That's where he was going at his own risk.

With the grace of a zombie and the reactions of a cat, Kyon slipped inside, unnoticed, and went into the bathroom. He took Juno's shampoo and fragrant cream from the shelf, spread some on his fingers and stumbled back. Servants occasionally came here to wash the bath and the toilet, change towels and care products, but right now, fortunately, the bathroom was empty. Were he caught stealing the lady's cleaning stuff, they would hang him, but first, they would cut off some interesting parts of his body.

Closer to the training ground, Kyon took out Dinah's blouse and panties. He made sure no one was watching him and applied Juno's care products, hoping it would be enough.

Soon Juno came out of the training ground and hopped toward the mansion. Jean followed her, constantly looking around for the boy.

Kyon discreetly got out of the bushes, walked over to the master and bowed. A sharp pain pierced his body, but he pretended he was in perfect health:

«Hello, Master Jean.»

Jean was surprised to hear him lisping. Did the slave get his teeth knocked out? Who cares! His highest priority was to get the things, or it would be the end of him for the respectable man's unfulfilled expectations.

The master nodded to the empty training ground.

Kyon sat next to the master on the bench.

Jean said with a serious look, trying to hide his excitement:

«Well, Kyon, tell me.»

Kyon took Dinah's blouse out of his pocket and handed it to the master.