Chapter 59

Juno bit her lip in anger: she had no choice, she would have to humiliate herself... She knelt awkwardly as she had never had to stand in this mortifying position before. The young lady was silent for some time, hesitant, never taking her eyes off the floor. Then she made an effort to swallow her immense pride. The daughter of the former patriarch and the granddaughter of the powerful grandfather said in a trembling voice:

«Your docile slave welcomes you, master…»

Juno was dying of disgust. The mere thought that a noble lady like her had to recognize a slave as her master made her want to throw up. It was unthinkable, simply impossible... But even that turn of events was much better than being raped, moreover, in that delicate place of hers. She only hoped that he would keep his word. Otherwise, everything would be over for her.

As for Kyon, he thoroughly enjoyed the sight of the pitiful, angry, finally surrendered girl. He had been dreaming that the bitch would kneel before him like this for so long. He had been imagining her humiliated and crushed by him. Of course, he wasn't going to break his promise. Not because his pledge was indestructible, not at all. He knew if he violated her, Juno would break like a doll, and his secret would be out.

Kyon sat on the bed in a relaxed position, his legs spread wide apart. He imperatively put his hand on Juno's smooth cheek as if she were his toy for a wide variety of pleasures and tucked her tangled hair behind her ear, which sent cold shivers down her spine. Then he ordered in a pretentious tone:

«In that case, give me a foot massage, my slave!» – There was no direct order to the formation in his phrase. Kyon wanted to encourage her voluntary compliance. She had to get used to obeying on her own, not under the lash of the formation.

«B-but ...»

Kyon casually put his feet on the floor, the stench from his black socks was far from the scent of wildflowers.

«Come on, you'd better get started. I don't like to be kept waiting.»

Another fit of rage knocked the wind out of her. The sight of the slave's dirty, reeking feet was sickening. Juno turned away, unable to even look at them. She closed her eyes, grabbed his foot with disgust, pulled off the first stinky sock, then the second... Her soul was in agony. Her whole body ached from the recent beating. Her existence turned into purgatory. This nightmare couldn't possibly be happening for real.

At first, Kyon's bare feet felt a cold touch and a little later, awkward and reluctant movements of her gentle hands. Those unusual but pleasant sensations made him purr like a kitten. Finally, everything had fallen into its rightful place.

Kyon was lying on the bed, his arms folded behind his head. He was totally relaxed while the former lady was reluctantly massaging his feet. Kyon had been dreaming of this moment since he first met the little demoness, and now his dream had come true. The hell was over.

The acrid stench of his feet choked Jun. She had to massage his sweaty, foul feet while he was getting off on that. It was written on his face! No, she couldn't accept that. It was unthinkable! Only the hope that he would die in cruel tortures at her grandfather's hands gave her a little comfort. She had to endure until then... She had to follow his instructions. Well, Juno could do nothing about it, but revenge wasn't long in coming. The slave would regret what he had done, but for now, she had to render a service that was below her dignity.

Kyon got aroused against his will, a prominent bulge forming in his pants. Juno's awkward but most gentle fingers crawled between his toes, massaging them carefully and ineptly. He could feel with his skin the irregular breath of his slave girl.

Kyon had taken a clear stance on the age of consent. When a girl had her first period, nature gave her the go-ahead, her body was ready. All sorts of human traditions, stereotypes, laws, and beliefs based on the vague past were nothing but loud slobbering words or a stroke on the document. Kyon was not interested in all that nonsense. Many planets and peoples in his world followed this principle because nature was always right.

In ten minutes, Juno had massaged each foot three times. She gave a quiet grunt from time to time from resentment and indignation or from the nasty smell and humiliation.

«Please, may I stop?» – She whispered again and again.

This time, Kyon deigned to reply:

«Watch your tone.»

«Please, sir, may I stop massaging your smelly... Oh, forgive me... your beautiful feet with an unearthly fragrance?» – Juno whispered respectfully but not without subtle mockery.

Kyon chuckled. He pinched her nose lightly with his toes as revenge for her teasing and said peacefully:

«Alright, let's call it today.»

Juno crawled away, shaking with disgust. She took out a perfumed handkerchief and frantically rubbed her little nose with it.

Kyun couldn't hold back a stifled laugh. He cracked his fingers and said in imperious voice:

«Well, now I order you to lay out all your stuff. Let's see what you've got for me.»

Juno touched her emerald earring with a heavy heart. Black film formed on her hand. She blew a huge bubble out of it that resembled a soapy bubble, only it was black as a mole hole. When it burst, a handful of her precious things appeared in its place.

Kyon was amazed that spatial pockets in this world didn't require high technology. Spatial magicians could create them with remarkable efforts and concentration. In fact, spatial things didn't tear the matter (they didn't have enough energy for that), they acted as a hook-beacon that held some space between the physical and the spiritual world like a kite. When something needed to be taken out or put inside, the black bubble swapped the area inside and outside the ring. For example, if the dark bubble enveloped a sword, it would be inside when the bubble burst.

Another unique feature of spatial things is a singularity where time moves billions of times slower than usual, that is, it almost stops. The singularity is located inside a pocket, or rather in the space between the worlds, which is convenient for storing pre-cooked or perishable products. But they can't store souls, other spatial objects, anything unstable like a flying stone. However, spatial things also had several specific flaws that Kyon was unaware of yet.

A pile of Juno's treasures appeared on the floor: spheres, cloudy stones with formations inside, medicine, a round transparent shield that looked like it was made of glass, a beautiful token that sparkled like a diamond, elegant lingerie, a cake in the box, some water. Juno clenched her fists in anger. The wretched slave made her show her personal belongings!

Kyon's eyes fell on the most intimate item in the pile, and Juno quickly grabbed her underwear, made by professional tailors of some high-quality fabric. She warned him with an eloquent snort that didn't bode well not to think about... whatever he was thinking there!

Kyon rolled his eyes as if saying, "what's the big deal?" - he was not Jean, after all - and examined the rest of her things. He came across the black stick with dried blood on it. When he touched it, his mind instantly flooded with pure rage. It was the very piece of wood that the little bitch had almost killed him with. She had deceived him and then destroyed all his expectations with a sudden attack. It's hard to imagine a more despicable act than that. She wasn't a human being but a demon. He wanted revenge, he wanted her to beg him for mercy.

Juno shuddered and backed up like a frightened puppy as she noticed Kyon stare at the black stick with a scowl on his face. When he slowly turned his black stare at her, she cried pitifully:

«Please, don't beat me…» - Had Juno known that she could have averted her suffering today, she wouldn't have enjoyed the bloodbath at the hot spring. She was endlessly sorry for the first time in her lifetime. Juno wished she could turn back the time to kill him off once and for all.

Kyon gently poked the stick into Juno's solar plexus, turning her deathly pale. He laughed merrily but put the murder weapon aside. He had already said that she was done for the day.

Juno gasped for breath. The slave must be out of his mind. She didn't know what to expect from him. First, he beat her with a clear desire to kill, then he humiliated her... She decided to try and get through the day, lie low for a while. Then she might have a chance to make things right.

Kyon picked up the token that shimmered with all colors and had the Stones' coat of arms engraved on it. He asked Juno what this pretty thing was for. It turned out that each family member was given a token that symbolized their rank in the hierarchy. For example, the 7th rank had an unnoticeable, gray emblem which was almost offensive to wear. The 1st rank had an iridescent magnificent diamond token that attracted everyone's attention. The rank tokens could be worn on the chest so that everyone could understand who they were dealing with. It removed the necessity of identification.

Kyon picked up high-quality ointment from the pile of things and casually threw it to the girl.

«I order you to use it for its intended purpose right here and right now.»

Juno's hands automatically caught the ointment. She took off her nightie to apply the medicine to the injured areas, and then it dawned on her that the slave hadn't turned away and was blatantly staring at her.

«Please, turn away…» – She begged barely audibly.

But Kyon did not listen to her. He put some ointment on his finger and touched Juno's elegant snow-white back in the place that she could not reach.

«N-o-o! Аа-а-а-аh…» – Juno shuddered from his sudden touch and moaned in pain that the injured places were giving her.

Her fucking gentle skin... It was like velvet of the highest quality! And her quiet sobs were just amazing. He even wanted to pinch her, but... Again, that was it for today. Her fragile body was unlikely to recover in a day or two, even with the high-quality ointment. But as there were no internal injuries, there was nothing to worry about.

«P-please… I… I'll do it myself…» – Juno repeated quietly for the third time.

«Shut up! Aren't you done with whining yet? The sooner you learn to serve me, the more pleasure you will get from your servitude. I am sure you will soon develop a taste for it, and the smell of my feet will be a real reward for you. Perhaps, I will even let you give me a massage in more private areas... I mean if you deserve it, of course.»

Juno was speechless. There were all kinds of thoughts in her head. There was only one thing she knew for sure: every word she said came around to her with humiliation and resentment, reminding how powerless she was.

As soon as there was no more ointment in the tube and the effect of the order expired, Juno bounced off aside and put on her nightie at once. She clenched her fists furiously and gave Kyon a menacing sullen look.

«You will pay for this…»

Kyon shrugged carelessly.

«I always pay my debts. Let me get it straight, I owe you a lot. Remember, those who try to take my life plummet into the fucking red.»

A.C. The words like purgatory, hell, devil, deuce, angel, "oh my god!", etc. do not mean the existence of any religion in this world or its influence on the culture and the local language. They are just words with a similar meaning but a different history/nature of origin.