Chapter 87

It was early morning when the gates creaked and Juno fluttered inside like a butterfly. A devil in angelic guise! Today she was wearing a black tight-fitting training outfit that emphasized all her assets: skinny pants, a seductive T-shirt, a jacket on top, and exercise slippers on her feet. Her attractive slender figure fascinated Kyon, distracting him from his workout.

Juno's beautiful emerald green eyes stared eagerly at him. The girl clenched her fists, approaching Kyon.

«Master... Where did you get your divine gift?» - She asked without hesitation or pause.

«Why did you come?» - Kyon said coldly. He was not flattered by the words "divine gift." In his world, anyone could have Synergy. (1% of people)

«Let's make a deal!» - The little angel continued, not paying attention to the grin on his face. – «I suggest you become the head of the Stones Development Center! You will enjoy the highest status among the younger generation! You will have access to all family resources and get into my grandfather's good books…» - Kyon's laughter made her shut up.

«All in all, you want me to become a cash cow.»

«Not at all!» - Juno exclaimed. - «I want to…»

«Shut up and don't play games with me, or I will never clean any more keys for you.» - He wasn't interested in Juno's terrific offer. He was doing well without her.

His words made Juno jump. She closed her mouth with her hands and froze with fear. She would never lose the opportunity to become better than heavenly geniuses! Not in her lifetime!

Juno would get rid of her slave shackles if the servant agreed to her terms, and then her revenge would be terrible. She would torture him to make her the master of all the elements... After that, she would hand the pathetic scum over to her grandpa. Their family would rise beyond heaven after grandpa arranged key cleaning on a paying basis. Juno would train hard, and in a year or two, she would humiliate her sister. But the reality wasn't so sweet... The servant wouldn't even listen to her. Why was he so obsessed with being her master? Sneaky bastard... He wouldn't live long, anyway. Someone would notice the formation on her forehead sooner or later.

«Master... Please, tell me where you got this ability? Who gave it to you?»

Kyon gave her a malicious smile. «What if it's inherent?»

Juno wanted to protest, but she kept her cool. She had the courage of her convictions that would never let her believe that a slave could have a divine bloodline. However, she didn't want to come back to that question later. What if he didn't lie?

«Master, can I do anything to win your favour? Can you clean my key more?» - Juno made a pitiful-begging expression, clasping her hands in front of her. A hungry puppy asking for food would be no match for her charm.

Kyon could hardly look away. The little devil annoyed him with her phony attitude and natural magnetism. «First, tell me where I can find instructions and techniques to create a unique body.»

After a moment's hesitation, Juno slightly bowed her head. «Follow me, master.»

Kyon was about to strangle her. Her false deference, phony humility drove him round the bend... What a hypocritical snake! She faked those emotions so well that they could mislead anyone but him. {You won't fool me, little bitch.}

Kyon followed Juno to the secret library, then to the treasury.

The girl approached the wall, pressed her hands in certain places, sending the pure energy the right way.


The wall parted, and another secret passage came into view. It looked like an old damp tunnel in the catacomb.

Kyon followed Juno, his lips pressed together in a thin line. He should have guessed that the treasury had another level...What kind of family legacy would it be otherwise? He would have to order Juno to tell him all the mansion secrets after exploring the treasury thoroughly.

This place was saturated with ancient times. It once again suggested the idea that the mansion was built here for a reason.

«Juno, do you know why the mansion and the whole estate were built here?»

Juno slowed down a little and said in a quiet, pleasant voice:

«Many centuries ago, our ancestors settled in this area because of the increased energy density in the air. Grandfather says that there are many elements in the crust that release energy.»

«And that's it?»

Juno fell silent, thinking if she should continue this conversation but answered, after all:

«He also said that the past civilization must have left something valuable in the local catacombs, but they didn't carry out any excavations because my family was afraid of collapse.» - Juno said only half of the truth.

«But they did carry out excavations in the mines, didn't they?»

Juno turned around in surprise. «How do you know about that?»

Kyon's guess was correct. The Stones had built the mines on the site of the catacombs not only to reconstruct them. They wanted to find something the past civilizations had left. The price of breakthrough medicine or a technique that would open the keys was beyond imagination... It would definitely stir up the whole empire.

As Juno didn't get an answer to her question, she turned away and walked in silence. Kyon's expert knowledge had surprised her. This classified information was not mentioned in any books to keep away greedy competitors scouring for profit. Anyway, she hadn't told him everything.

They walked another hundred meters until there appeared a treasury of about 500 square meters carved in the earth.

Kyon was fascinated by what he saw. There were lots of shelves with a single cloudy nephrite-sphere in a special niche on each of them. The cupboards were full of boxes with aromatic herbs. Kyon looked closely with his modernized eyes and saw a barely visible barrier that regulated humidity and temperature in each box.

He knew that herbs were stored in the open air for a reason. They got saturated with energy and enhanced their properties with time. He could feel with his soul that the ancient place contained a huge amount of energy.

There were also beautiful glass display cases with boxes on the shelves that contained medicine of specific nature. Kyon found enzymes (for cultivation), pills to temper the spirit (that helped to stay focused), therapeutic medicine, specialized medicine (for some unique bodies), poisons, and so on. There were ointments, bottles, capsules with powder, pills, and even vapors enclosed in the container. The familiar cloudy green stone with information was next to each box.

Juno looked carefully into Kyon's eyes and waved her hand. «To nurture a unique body you need to plant it in your soul and grow. Take one of these pills and follow the instructions. You will find them in your soul or in the description…»

Kyon glanced at the pills of different colors and asked:

«Are there all unique bodies that your family can make?»

«No, there aren't. But you don't have to wait until they are created. I recommend that you choose a ready-made unique body. A strong spirit will grant you pressure that is many times more powerful than that of your peers. A strong flesh will boost your physical stamina. You may choose one of these.»

Kyon thoughtfully stroked his chin. He could cultivate only one unique body, one for a lifetime. It could be destroyed later, but it would affect his cultivation stage. The unique body was a second foundation for the soul's growth. It would take a lot of time and effort to grow a new one.

The unique body could grant a rare feature or skill every time its owner reached the next cultivation stage, as well as continuous enhancement, cultivation boost and even talent changes. That's why cultivated bodies were so precious. They also significantly increased the energy quality.

Kyon had to choose carefully and he said:

«Thank you for your advice. I will explore all available unique bodies and think of all possible ways to create new ones. You are free to go.»

«No, master. I'll stay here so you won't feel lonely.» {And stupid.}

«Suit yourself.» - Kyon said in a cold, emotionless voice and began to explore the treasury. It was going to take some time.

He took the first stone and tried to infuse it with pure energy to retrieve the information, all to no avail.

There was a quiet, contemptuous laugh behind his back.

Kyon turned around - «What is the password to the family formation?»

Juno flashed him a smug smile and answered confidently:

«Master, you don't need to know the family code to gain access to the family heritage. All it takes is a person with the highest level of access. It so happens that only ten people have access to our heritage, including me.»

Juno approached Kyon proudly, grabbed the nephrite from his hands and pressed it to her wrist. Then she waved it around. «I have granted you access for an hour. Use pure energy to activate it.»

Kyon grunted unkindly. Was it something to be proud of? «You aren't useless, after all. Now take each nephrite and grant me access for at least three days.»

«Are you going to study everything here?!»

«Less talk, more work.» - Kyon smiled, snatching the nephrite from her hands.

Juno laughed inwardly. {Dumbass! If you absorb too much information with pure energy, you will get a strong migraine or even worse. Alright, I'll laugh at you then...}

A few hours later, Kyon was distracted by the sound of stomach rumbling. He looked at Juno, who was applying nephrites to her wrist. Her face gave nothing away, only a treacherous blush appeared on her tender cheeks.

Kyon couldn't help but smile at her sweet face. He remembered it was lunchtime. Flitz was going to pay a visit to Marina after lunch. Kyon should watch the old man closely. If Flitz dared to offend his friend, he could go to hell and rot in the abyss of depression.

Kyon was planning to help Marina resolve the conflict from her troubled past. Would she forgive Flitz? Would she reject him? Or would she swallow her pride? In any case, they had to meet face to face. She couldn't defeat darkness by running from it.

«By the way, order the guards to add Flitz to the VIP list. He is coming after lunch to walk with Marina in the park.»

Juno raised her eyebrows and shook his head, baffled. Then she frowned angrily, bared her even white teeth like a wild animal and exclaimed - «How dare you make my friend suffer?! If... if Flitz comes, then…» - Each word was an effort for the poor thing. She was torn between the intoxicating lust for power and her duty of a friend.

«Calm down. Marina does not mind. You can ask her yourself at lunch.» - Kyon didn't want to answer any more questions and went to the door. The little demon went up a notch in his estimation.

On the way, Juno dared to ask him to give her some freedom to communicate with Flitz. What if Kyon did something wrong? And she couldn't even raise her voice because of the cage of orders. Kyon agreed.

When they left the storeroom, Kyon went to have lunch in his room. Juno and Marina took a seat at the main table where only the most important people dined. Well, wasn't the lady's close friend one of them?

As they were finishing their meal, Flitz came to the mansion ridiculously dressed. He was wearing a white jacket, trousers, a bow tie... His thin white hair was combed back. He looked polished and put together. However, dark circles under his eyes gave away the state of his health.

Kyon could not believe his eyes. The image of the wise master was completely erased from his mind. Now the talented formacist resembled a gigolo with a warm heart and heavy underpants.

Flitz went into the dining room whose crowning glory were two lovely blonde girls at the big round table. The waiters walked silently behind them.

Marina felt a sudden loss of confidence when she saw her former master. She grabbed Juno by the hand for protection.

Marina's reaction made Flitz hunch over. His disheartened look meant he felt guilty, a weak-willed fool.

«Hello, Juno. Greetings, Marina.» - He said hoarsely.

Juno slammed her little fist on the table. «I would have never let you in if my best friend didn't ask me to! You should be grateful for her kindness and sympathy. She will tell you everything she thinks about you. Will you, Marina?»

The poor blonde girl wished the ground would swallow her up.

Flitz coughed, pulled a box out of his bosom and handed it to embarrassed Marina. - «Please accept my humble gift as a token of good faith.»

Marina raised her beautiful, surprised eyes at the old man who looked like a skeleton. He handed her a shiny little box with a gift from the bottom of his heart.

When their eyes met, Flitz looked down at once, following Kyon's advice. Marina did not have a chance to do the same.

She opened her mouth, amazed at what he said. There was no trace left of her former master, the tyrant, the despot, the malicious sex maniac. - {What's the matter with him?}

When Marina hesitantly accepted the gift, Juno whispered in her ear:

«Don't take it if you don't want to. Just say a word, and I will drive the old fart away like a dog.»

Marina shook her head and opened the box. There was a deliciously looking nutcake. Her heart started beating faster... Flitz remembered her favorite delicacy: the landan cake with kerker nuts, a rare and very expensive treat.

Marina was torn between two contrary feelings. She looked at Flitz. - «Sir…»

«Please, call me Flitz.» - He smiled, avoiding looking at her.

Marina rose from the table with the sweet present in her hands and slowly approached Flitz. She decided to follow Kyon's advice and move on, accept and face all her suffering in the past and have a fresh start.

Marina said bravely:

«What about taking a walk, Flitz?»

Flitz coughed at her unexpected offer. It was the first time Marina had suggested going for a walk together. She grew bolder quickly... The friendship with Juno must have given her confidence.

«Yes… Sure.» - He answered with a wrinkled smile.

They left the mansion and went to the beautiful park.

Marina was going to tell her former master that she would not return to him no matter how much he "loved" her. She was fed up with her past life. Nothing would change her mind. He could beg her or threaten all he wanted... At the same time, she felt sorry for Flitz who would have to give up his dream to restore his seed and have a child with her. She was unreachable for him now. Marina refused to be his slave. He could go and look for another sex toy...

Marina wanted to tell him all that right away. She just needed to get the conversation on track... Come on, scaredy-cat, be brave. Speak up!

They had been walking in the park for five minutes, but she could not squeeze out a word! It was hard for her to speak with the former tyrant master... Kyon was right, she should be stronger, but how? Flitz was also silent.

Suddenly, he said:

«I used to be a street urchin. My life was based around cheap booze, fighting and whores. I would never have believed that in a hundred years, I would find a girl I could not live without... Your escape to Juno opened my eyes to the ugly truth: who I am and what I am. I realized that I had been mistreating the woman I loved. I was a loathsome egocentric monster because my senile selfish heart was afraid to have a real relationship and take responsibility. I would have died of grief if you had rejected me... I wanted to believe that being my servant, it was your duty to have sex with me, and even love me... What a fool I was, Marina. A million words will never be enough to express how much I regret my terrible attitude towards you. Anyway, I would dare to ask you to forgive me at the twilight of my years. Have mercy on a skinny half-dead old man.» – He looked at Marina full of regret.

It was a speech that Flitz had prepared to get under Marina's skin, but there was a great deal of truth that he did not want to accept. He was losing his mind without her. He had different thoughts going through his head, among them his regret for abusing and mistreating the girl he loved. Flitz used to consider her a naive baby, but if Marina said that she hated him, despised him or wanted to leave him, her words would be sharper than daggers. Flitz was afraid to give her the right to speak up because he was afraid of responsibility.

Marina was at a loss for words, even if she was silent all the time anyway. Her former master had admitted that he was sorry for the first time... He sounded so sincere. She'd been dreaming of hearing this for so long! It was unusual to see him like that. Flitz seemed to be a different person! Marina felt an unbearable burden of responsibility. If she told him what she thought, if she destroyed his hope to have his dream come true, Flitz would die of a broken heart. He had saved her from the hungry street life full of darkness, he had given her shelter, he had raised her. She couldn't say that... She was not a murderer!

«Flitz... I... I can't forgive you straight away…»

«I understand, Marina.» – Flitz said grimly. – «I do have a lot to atone for. I will dedicate my remaining life to make it up to you…»

There was a pause.

Marina was embarrassed like never before. Something absolutely incredible was going on. All of a sudden, she felt so warm and cozy. She wanted to believe her former master, she wanted her life to change for the better and even get better than before!

«How are you feeling?» – She asked him with concern.

Little by little, they started a friendly conversation.

For the first time, Marina had had such a long and relaxed conversation with Flitz. He was no longer a cruel, rude, perverted hypocrite as before. Far from it, the elderly formacist was polite, attentive and courteous. He apologized for all sorts of little things... Was he the same Flitz? Were his intentions really pure? She had no words. He really was a different person! Marina even smiled once when he joked, she felt so free. Kyon said that the old man would change his attitude but to this extent?! How could he predict that? It was like a dream where everything would get better, the wounds from the past would heal, everything bad in people would turn good... Marina couldn't break Flitz's heart.

A few hours had passed quickly. Flitz gallantly kissed Marina's hand and said respectfully:

«I enjoyed our walk very much. Thank you for meeting with me. Do you mind if I come by tomorrow?»

«Hmm, okay. You may come.» - Marina gave him a little smile, tucking a lock of silky hair behind her ear.

Flitz left the mansion with a happy heart. His old wrinkled face smiled. Warmth and delight reigned in his soul. He had never seen Marina so talkative before... She had never laughed at his jokes. Her smile was amazing! The brightest ray of light illuminated his dark soul... The bird got out of the cage, spread her wings and showed her true pristine beauty. He had fallen in love with her for a reason: only this girl was worthy of his senile, dementia-ridden love.

Kyon was right when he said that Marina would open up if he treated her like his equal. Flitz didn't feel at ease talking with his dear silly girl like that, but it turned out to be the only right approach. Flitz realized that he couldn't get back the old way with Marina, and he didn't want to. Goodbye, dear maid, hello, dear potential wife.

Kyon had been watching their walk from beginning to end. He followed Flitz with an indifferent look. The old man did not offend Marina, he even asked for another date. If his intentions were pure, he may spend time with her in the future. After all, Marina would be glad to mend fences with Flitz. She was grateful to him for the good deeds of the past, even if they weren't too numerous.

Juno had been following them all the time. She looked like a guard dog, watching Flitz, the stranger.

Kyon was already mentally choosing a collar for her. Marina would be a good owner, taking good care of her...