Almost a hundred dwarves clumsily held weapons and shot at targets with broad smiles on their faces. Some halflings put the gun directly to the eye as if they wanted to get a nice bruise with recoil. The others had already gained invaluable experience. They stood nearby waiting for replenishment, giggling and pushing each other with their elbows. One dwarf held a pistol at his chest with an impromptu soft pad underneath. He seemed to have a huge bruise if not a crack in the rib. Some weirdos kept experimenting. They put weapons on their heads. The rest worked out the gangster style, holding the gun aslant. Kyon looked closely and noticed that everyone had cotton wads in their ears. Almost everyone.
Kyon couldn't hold back a quiet laugh. He went up to Gennady and patted him on the shoulder. Almost immediately, it was dead quiet there. Only one dwarf tried to hit the bottle like a madman.
The old dwarf's eyes became moist. - «Gods, Kyon! Your guns are priceless! You are incredible!»