Chapter 205

This had been the worst month in Dinah's life. She was reduced from a senior maid to a servant's sex slave. He had limited her free will to the point of telling her what book to read during her break. Not so long ago, while she was carrying out the "dirty fifth point" from the list of his orders before going to bed, her sister got sick and tired of pretending not to notice anything. Dinah had to follow the "suspended bastard's order" and talk with Anna about sex and masturbation. Those five minutes were a real nightmare, Dinah thought she would die of shame! Anna was getting more and more embarrassed with each next word, and her embarrassment was contagious. After this incident, the sisters could hardly look each other in the eyes.

One evening, Dinah was ordering the servants around, lost in thought. Suddenly, the formation on her forehead began to tingle and fade away... The subjugating formation was quickly losing its power, releasing the once proud bird.