Chapter 207

Kyon "woke up" from the pungent smell of some disinebriating substance. He found himself tied up to the iron beam in the room on the second floor of a rented building, somewhere in the middle-class area, not far from the Stone territory. Dinah was well prepared for her sweet revenge.

«Awake and alive?» - She asked coldly, tossing the graceful dagger idly in her hand.

«Dinah…» – Kyon muttered softly. He felt completely lost and broken inside. On the one hand, he was facing death, and on the other, it was his dear beloved girl who was threatening him.

«Great. Are you ready for the execution?» – She asked him in a deceptively tender voice, poking the tip of the dagger into his chest.

«My sweet little Dinah, please, let me go. I love you... Why don't you understand? I want to take care of you. I want to marry you right now. Enough with this stupid revenge!»