Chapter 221

«Juno, please wake up. Your grandfather is worried sick! I will die if I don't see you again. Please, my love…» – Bai, pale and for some reason drunk, burst into tears near the unconscious girl. He had barged into the room to get the bastard, but the boy had already gone! The whole family was now searching for the scoundrel.

The best doctors in the Stone family were at a loss. They had checked her properly and did not find any serious health issues.

Finally, Juno slowly opened her eyes and muttered:


«My sweet child!» – Bai jumped up and hugged his dear girl, and she held him close.

Juno hadn't seen her grandfather for 13 years! Seeing him again meant so much to her. She needed his warmth, his love, his support.

«Are you alright?! Tell me, please!»

«Yes… I… I am fine…» – She whispered uncertainly.