The monstrous tortures evoked in Valeera a lot of negative emotions. They gradually filled Kyon's vessel of darkness. As a result, it was full to the brim at the last crucial moment. The nucleus spun slowly and uncertainty, especially compared to the situation with Juno.
It seemed to Kyon that something was absorbing the lion's share of the negative emotions. Unfortunately, he couldn't either confirm nor refute this theory. Anyway, only 1% of bright emotions was left before the first stage of the unique body of the Void was complete! Too bad, he had no time to rejoice. He had to save Valeera!
Kyon left the department and found a secluded place to call Leon (not from Valeera's sound transmitter). He had come up with a simple and extremely effective plan that didn't require any special tricks.
«Who is calling?» – Leon asked coldly when he noticed the unknown frequency.