Chapter 248

Loud chuckles echoed over the stands. Romanov's fans, who until recently passionately supported their idol, grew silent and embarrassed. But patriarch Romanov got the worst of it. Laughter at his favorite family member felt like laugh at his expense.

Charlie blushed deeply. He felt Juno's cultivation lower than his by eight stages, and couldn't understand why he had failed to react. He was ashamed of his poor performance against a weaker opponent. Charlie had to do something to save his face. – «Dirty liar! You have hidden your cultivation! Well, it's only expected of the nasty Stones.»

«In fact, concealing cultivation is not forbidden by the rules. Your attempt to set me up to take the fall is pathetic, especially since you're considered to be the strongest in your generation. Just think about it, a pompous peacock let a girl punch him on the nose, the girl whose cultivation is eight staged lower! Just die of shame already, please.»