Chapter 261

Meanwhile, the envoys got on the platform and handed Juno their invitations. The audience gasped at FatTso's insolent attitude. Did he really think that Juno, the ruthless angel, the flawless beauty, would ever agree to disfigure herself with hundreds of kilos of fat! It would be a nightmare.

On Kyon's order, Juno said politely that she needed a few days to think about it.

The envoys agreed and went away. They didn't seem to be going to invite anyone else to join their sects. When it became obvious, the royal representative came to the center of the arena to give the closing speech, after which the tournament officially came to an end.

At this time, the envoys were impatiently reading Kyon's letters. There was nothing interesting or important in his letters to Nargise, Seva, or FatTso, just a handful of polite expressions, which cannot be said about the message that fell into Fernand's hands...