Chapter 279

{Dick Baker? His parents must have hated their son.} – The princess frowned when she saw the ridiculous name of the competitor sharing first place with her. Didn't everyone scream bloody hell because of him, driving her up the wall?

She squinted to find the bearer of the annoying name and cringed, recognizing the freak, the worst eyesore ever. His parents must be relieved to get their nightmarish child off their back. Apparently, they had to pay a tidy sum for his admission, or he would never have scored more than five points. No doubt about that. His pathetic cultivation physique and development were a case in point. Kara also noticed the bodyguard representing his master at the last test. How could this blatant, outrageous scam work? How much did it cost? Vlada Grand had ordered the principal not to inflate her daughter's points, and the Bakers had pulled such a stunt!