Chapter 287

«Feeling envious? Me? That's a good one! Dear Julia, if I wanted to impress my princess, I would come up with something more exciting! Anyway, I am stronger and smarter and more handsome than the fucking freak! I have always known that our great princess is different! She is like a phoenix among eagles, ravens and even worms like Dick Baker!»

*Kara's fans rolled on the floor laughing*

«Well... I do not know. In my opinion, he is sophisticated and creative. I would be impressed by the birds reciting love poems to me. If Dick were more... well, attractive, I would give him a chance.» – The red-haired beauty thoughtfully twisted a lock of her hair around her finger.

The fans of the second most popular girl took a hint. Many of them had already rushed to the pet stores to get all the available talking parrots. Julia's smile at their attempt to attract her attention was totally worth the efforts!