Chapter 317

Kyon waited until the panther chewed on Artie's bones, absorbed his soul and took his rings with the keys. Hobbling and holding his stomach, Kyon approached the hole he had made to hide the tiger. Despite his terrible condition, he was in no mortal danger - "been there done that" - which couldn't be said about the dying supreme beast.

Lovr pulled out the unconscious wild cat, placed it on his back, and carried to the nearest hill. Any meeting with a tournament participant could be a disaster, primarily for the tiger. He didn't have a moment to waste.

{Damn it, not again…} – Another opponent was approaching.

Barely avoiding the unwanted encounter, Kyon reached the hill, dug a fifty-meter deep cave with the earth element and blocked the entrance. The primary source of oxygen was supposed to be water electrolysis that he would create himself, ventilation was no problem, either. A high-quality crystal would serve as a light source.