Chapter 381

«They aren't letting us in?» – Eve asked, frustrated, while Leila impatiently shifted from toes to heels, her arms crossed behind her back.

«I'm glad to see you're so enthusiastic about books, but it's late. I suggest we head for the hotel, have a shower and go to bed. As for the books, I can project an infinite amount of them for you!»

«Really? Great!» – Eve clapped her hands with a charming smile.

Zosimos helped the girls mount the horse, and they headed east, in the opposite direction of the palace. Another mile or two, and they left the mount in the elite menagerie and went to a five-story building.

«Don't tell me we're going to live here!» – Leila was amazed, staring at the spacious, beautiful building.

«We are.» – Zosimos confirmed curtly.

Garden of Eden hotel had 4.5 out of 5 stars. The hotel lost half point because of its unique style that did not please some of Dantes' critics. It was a diamond in the rough.