Chapter 400

«You too, Ruslan? But you are not a Clinton…» – Milan said bitterly.

«I used to be… I am still under patriarch Horace's orders. I am sorry, I didn't want to do this, but I had no choice... Please, accept my resignation effective today…» – The high-ranking investigator handed in his letter of resignation with tears in his eyes. He had been working for many years to get this position, but an order that came from the top made him lose everything.

{Screw you, Dick…} – The head of the department accepted the letter with a heavy heart. He had lost two 2-nd rank and nine 3-d rank investigators. All of them had brought a letter of resignation at patriarch Horace's order. It must have been the fat blackmailer's scheme! Milan started to respect Dick against his will. What trick would he pull next?