Chapter 438


The sword weighing two and a half tons broke the barrier of the ether, as if it were crystal, and fell on Edward's back. The guy was carried away with such force that he plowed several meters of the ground behind him before he was finally able to stop. He did not seem to have suffered any damage, however, judging by the crunch that sounded at the moment of the collision, at least one rib was broken, and others were cracked.

Eve covered her mouth with her hands.

Leila looked from the man to the guy in amazement. Can her eyes and ears deceive her? Did dad's copy break the guy's rib?

Sharp pain pierced Edward's body: «A-a-a-aa-aa-a! B-bitch… Fuck!» – he stared at the man with an enraged look and pointed his dagger at him. – «You are dead!»

«Don't count your chickens until they are hatched.» – Kyon slowly stretched his neck and rushed into battle.