Chapter 441

Kyon was sincerely happy for Eve: today she stopped being afraid of male touches, at least his touches. She remembered how to use the healing ability of her unique body, and, accordingly, instantly healed his severe wounds; and, what is especially pleasant, she defeated her arrogant sister in the argument, putting her in her place.

Now the beautiful fairy, together with the nasty pixie, tenderly hugged the man, giving him the warmth of their slender bodies. Her feminine soft hands excited the imagination, and the ephemeral wonderful scent could make even the heart of a dead man beat. In the arms of this couple, Kyon would gladly have lain for an eternity.

When the downpour passed a few hours later, Eve hit the head and then, returning, said: «The owl has not returned, so we will not get to Dantes until our dad wakes up. We'll have to wait for him to wake up.»