Chapter 446

«Are you talking about Triana? I got her from the Golden Pig guild for temporary service. I must admit, these merchants know a lot about good gifts: they can give you a reusable attacking formation, or a beautiful girl and a bodyguard at the same time. They bought my favor, which they use now: I cooperate with them.»

Kyon's words confirmed themselves: it is known that Triana wore the Bakers' formation, many people can confirm this, and the Bakers are the hidden owners of the Golden Pig guild. The zero general surely knows about this. He also managed to anticipate the next possible question about how exactly he defeated all the participants of the forest tournament alone.

The head of the department trusted the investigation of the Hunters (3), because they know better than anyone in the empire how to track down the supreme beast, but until now he had vague doubts.