Chapter 457

Leila looked out of the room. Although her father had warned her, she still couldn't believe what was happening: some sickly pale maniac put a dagger to Eve's throat! What fun?! However, dad promised to thank her properly. She only should not reveal her strength, but pretend to be a weak, scared girl. Such a chance must not be missed.

Screeching, the girl ran into the room, playing her role flawlessly.

Eve also depicted a genuine expression of endless horror on her face.

Tymoshka looked at Lanai with an empty, glazed gaze. The girl he loved looked exactly as he imagined her in his dreams after rough sex: hickeys on a deceptively fragile neck, disheveled hair, torn tights and trails of moisture flowing down her thigh…

Valeera said in a chilling tone: «Let her go immediately!»

The guy shuddered, turned even more white and turned his head feverishly: «N-no way!»