Chapter 478

Kyon activated invisibility and blended in with the crowd of students. Soon he saw a gray-haired old man in a master's robe walking somewhere ahead. His arms, barely visible behind the wide sleeves of his robe, were impressively crossed behind his back. His steps seemed lighter than air, as if he was floating on the ground. The aura emanating from Zheng shook the soul, as if someone great had come to the order.

A handsome young man with short brown hair about 15 years old walked next to the old man with his chin proudly raised. He wore a training kimono of the purest white color and looked as if he was a dragon who had come to the territory of martens.

Two middle-aged bodyguards followed a little behind the couple.

«I can't believe it, this is Archmaster Zheng! The fourth legendary master! He is one of ten people on the planet capable of fighting at the level of six battle fists! He will defeat any grand master as easily as a professional fighter will defeat an amateur!»