Chapter 553

When the guests from Saturn left, people were finally able to breathe easily. It was hard to believe what had happened: Valkyrie Torres not only lost to Dick, who was inferior to her by 22 stages, but also refused to accept defeat with honor and used a powerful suppressive formation to cripple the enemy, for which she eventually had to apologize in an extremely humiliating form for her… Also, the empress suppressed the archmaster with the insanely high development with just a flick of her hand! Today would have gone down in the history of Rosarrio, if the empress had not forbidden to talk about it.

Lanatelle gave Baker a completely calm look.

Kyon hastened to fall to his knees. However, it seemed that he did it out of fatigue.

An imperial representative ran up to him and solemnly declared him the winner, after which he read out the oath of a direct disciple in loyalty to the empress.

Lovr took the oath, but, of course, he was not going to keep it, and he had the right to do so.