Better Odds

The Emperor looked down to see her eyes closed again and felt a little panic, "Xing er'?"

Lei Xing opened her eyes and looked up at him, and then closed them again. The Emperor relaxed and kept stroking her head resting on his shoulder, thinking she must be really tired, but was very relieved to see her eyes open. 

Lei Xing let out a breath, feeling fed up with feeling like this, and so made up her mind.

{...What's the cure?...}

{...*We have a deal then! That's good...I told you I was useful and brilliant too! I'm great! Do you want to reconsider becoming my student now? I ca -...}

Lei Xing frowned in irritation.

{...What's the cure?!...}

{...*Fine, so touchy... It's medicinal bath therapy! So simple...}

{...-_-)...The ingredients?...}