Chen You and the monk arrived at the Empress dowager's reception hall and bowed in greeting. Then Chen You smiled and said, "Your majesty, this is Monk Du, the famous monk from the Taohua mountain temple. It took a while, but I used every means possible to find him and immediately brought him here"
Chen You "modestly" finished with a smile, with the Empress dowager behind her, she was sure to easily crush Lei Xing soon. There are some things even the most "lovestruck" of men would not be able to overlook.
Lei Xing had been increasingly irritating her for a long while now. Even if she told herself that the Emperor's current obsession with Lei Xing was temporary and will soon fade, it still irritated her immensely. Lei Xing had been manipulating the Emperor so much recently, he spent most of his time either in Court or in her palace, and she even selfishly refused to allow him to see anyone claiming she was too ill to receive visitors.