Chapter 2: Run away Aisha

"What?! It's been 2 months now, yet you still don't know where my Aisha is? Are you that stupid! Didn't I train you properly for such a time as this?!" Demetrius was so angry with the fact that Aisha, her adoptive daughter run away and no one knew where she was right now.

Demetrius Mikasa was the chief head of the Mafia organization in the northern country side. He was deeply respected and at the same time feared by the people in the northern part of the country. He was known to be a ruthless mafia chief head and no one dared to go against him—except for Aisha.

While everyone were afraid at Demetrius, Aisha showed him respect and at the same time love but she was very persistent and determined, especially when she knew that she was in the right. She fought for what she thought was right and she believed in justice. She's the only one who can withstand Demetrius' temper. Most of the time, Demetrius' men witnessed how they constantly fought each other. They have their own principle, but Demetrius always gave in. It's not because he was wrong, but because Aisha was persistent. They had conflicting views about running their family businesses.

Aisha hated to use dirty tricks and was totally against the underworld transaction. That's why she never pried her nose into her father's organization. His father understood and never did he forced Aisha to do things against her principle. He trusted her daughter's wisdom in handling things her way, that's why most of the head elders trusted her, but some were against her.

That shocked their men whenever they saw Demetrius' retreating shadow as he gave in to Aisha's demands. That's why no one, not even his skilled men, dared to look down on her.


When Aisha was 7 years old, Demetrius adopted her.

15 years ago, Demetrius was having his usual rounds in one of his clubs in the Northern Country side of Oregon. When he was about to get into his car, he saw a little girl with a metal rod in her hands being chased by 4 big guys. They seemed to be a part of a local gangster. They were chasing her but the little girl run into a dead end spot. Demetrius followed them secretly.

"Where is the money that you stole from us? Give it back while we are still kind to you, little brat." They threatened her, but she was not scared.

"Put me down!" The little girl tried to escape. "I told you many times that I didn't steal your money! It wasn't me, so put me down!"

FLAPPPPPP!!! The other guy slapped her hard - hard enough to spill some blood. The other guy raised her with his left hand and she met his scornful eyes.

"If you're not going to give back our money, I'll make sure to destroy this pretty face of yours. You little slut!" The guy shouted.

The girl looked at him in the eyes, unmoved by his threats. The guy was stunned. He can't see any trace of fear in the girl's eyes.

"I TOLD YOU, IT WASN'T ME!" She shouted firmly while grasping the man's hand with her tiny little hands. She was choking.

"You------!" He was about to knock the little girl over when they heard a voice.

"Put her down this instant!" They heard an authoritative voice. "The girl said she didn't do it. Let her go!" They only saw a shadow of a man leaning against the wall. They could not see his face.

"This is not your business bastard. Go away!" One of the guys shouted in disdain. Then they saw a familiar shadow approaching them. They trembled in fear causing the other guy to release the little girl as they kneel before the man. The little girl looked at them in wonder.

"I-I, W-We A-are very sorry. We didn't mean to offend you, sir. It's just that t-this girl stole something from us. We just want to g-get w-what's ours. T-that's it!'' the other guy mumbled.

''Tsk! The little girl spewed up a little blood. "Hmp! How stupid! If I say I didn't take it, then I didn't!" The girl was aggravated.

"Do you think someone will believe a trash like you?'' The other guy retorted. The little girl was about to smash the guy who spoke with the metal rod that she picked but Demetrius interrupted, "I believe you, little girl.'' The girl froze.

The guys trembled. They were afraid for their lives. Everybody knew who Demetrius was and no one dared to defy him, not even to go against him.

"Little girl, since they wronged you, what punishment do you think suits them?" They heard Demetrius asked the child. They were terrified. They pleaded for their lives but the child sneered as she looked at them in disdain.

"Hmp! They should learn a lesson for bullying a child. They should learn not to quickly judge someone based on their status. It is simply wrong." The girl asserted.

"I like you little girl," Demetrius chuckled. "So tell me what do you want to do with them?" the girl was thinking when she smirked devilishly. The guys quavered even more.

"Pay me a double portion of the amount that you are asking from me." she crossed her hands against her chest.

"What? Are you crazy?! That's a huge amount!" One of the guys complained.

"You choose; you pay me or I'll have both of your hands chopped for bullying an innocent child?'' The girl said unwaveringly.

Demetrius was stunned by the girl's boldness, but he smiled seeing how cunning this little girl was. The big guys chose to pay her double, then Demetrius dismissed them from his presence giving them a warning. He then turned his attention to the little girl who's deep in her thoughts.

"Little girl, tell me what's your name and where do you live?" Demetrius asked.

"You're a stranger, why should I tell you?" The man laughed.

"Don't get me wrong but I want to send you home since it's already late. You might encounter another bastard if you go home alone." The little girl's facial expression sank.

"I don't have a family. I run away from the orphanage." Then she looked at him sternly, "and if you're planning to send me back, you better not do it cause I'm not going back no matter what.'' She stepped back away from him planning to run away.

"Wait! Don't run. I won't send you back, I promise.'' The little girl eyed him suspiciously.

"Why don't you come with me instead?" The man offered.

"Why should I? I don't know you and you don't know me."

"Haha, I like you even more little girl." The man laughed. "How about considering me as your new family? You're lucky to have a handsome dad!" He laughed at himself.

The girl raised a brow but she contemplated at the man's proposition. "Are you saying that you want to adopt me into your family? As your daughter?"

"That's perfectly right!" He smiled at her genuinely.

"Don't you have your own family? Or a child perhaps? I have heard that step mothers are witches and step siblings are evil." The girl retorted. Demetrius laughed at her words.

"I don't have a family..." Demetrius tried to mask his sadness in front of the little girl, but the girl was quick to notice it.

"Don't worry. This handsome man in front of you doesn't need a wife at all. Hahaha!" Demetrius laughed.

The girl looked at him sadly but smiled after.

"Okay, seems like you're rich and those tugs are afraid of you. I might as well secure my future; don't you think?" The girl mockingly answered.

Demetrius looked at her and continued laughing. He tapped her shoulder, "I like your blatant mouth even more kiddo!" He lifted his hand to caress the girl's hair. "So tell me, what's your name kid?"

"Erika, my name is Erika..."

"That's a pretty name, but from now on, you will be called Aisha, Aisha Mikasa -- my beloved daughter…"