Chapter 9: First Night Together

The doctor from North Centennial hospital told them that she didn't need a follow up checkup. She could walk on her own but to avoid suspicions, Aisha had to pretend that she was not totally okay yet. So a personal maid was assigned to assist her inside their room.

"Thank you but I'm fine, you can go back now." She said in a calm manner. The maid was bewildered by her kind words. It was the very first time that she talked to her. Stacy never spoke to any servant before unless she needed them to do something, but it was a rare occasion. She never talked to anyone in a calm manner before, that's why she was surprised.

"Y-yes ma'am. I'll call you once dinner is ready..." The maid answered before leaving the room.

As soon as the maid left, she strolled around the room.

It was definitely two-times wider than her apartment. She was not a bit surprised since she used to have a big room in her father's mansion as well. The only difference was she had a mini library inside. She loved collecting and spending a lot of time with her books. Also, she had a secret room for her own weapons. "I guess the library is somewhere else." She muttered.

She's getting bored lying in the room so she went out and asked one of their maid servants where she can find the library. The maid was puzzled. Aisha saw her discomfort. "Is there's something wrong?'' She asked.

"N-none Miss Stacy. I-It's just that you've never been in the library before. O-oh, you must be wandering where your favorite magazines are. Y-yeah, that's right. Ma'am, the magazines are compiled over there." The maid pointed out a stack of magazine under the sofa table.

She squeezed her eyebrows. "What am I going to do with those?" She irritatingly thought. She was never a fan of reading magazines. She hated reading subjective opinions.

"Ah, ha-ha. O-okay, thank you." She smiled reluctantly. "I guess I have to find it myself then." She said to herself.

Aisha roamed around the mansion in search of the library. The mansion was big and, in search of the library, she was able to discover where the wine storage was and accidently opened the rooms for the servants. She mocked herself.

Finally, she found the library. However, she didn't notice the pair of eyes that was looking at her. It was Ethan in his study room, fixing some documents when she saw Stacy walking towards the library room. The study room was located just beside the library and his study room was made of tinted glass so he can see people from the outside-- though they can't see him.

"Since when did she take a liking for the library?" He furrowed.

It's been an hour, yet Ethan hadn't seen Stacy come out from the library yet. He was thinking of checking her but he shook the idea. He went back to what he was doing. However, 2 hours have passed and Stacy hadn't come out yet, so he decided to go in and see. He pretended to search for a book when he spotted her sitting on the floor, leaning on the book shelve while reading. She was engrossed with the book, unable to notice Ethan's presence.

"Ahemm!" Ethan cleared his throat, but Stacy didn't move an eyelid. Looks like she didn't hear him.

"I didn't know you're into reading, Miss Hertz." Ethan probed. She looked up and suddenly stood up.

"E-th --- Ouch." She felt a little dizzy, forcing her to lean back on the shelves. "I-I'm sorry. Probably because I was sitting for a while." Ethan looked at his wristwatch.

"Dinner should be ready now." Ethan spoke, then her eyes widened.

"Ooh, did I spend two hours here? I'm sorry if I bothered you------"

"Stop assuming that I came to see you. I'm here to get a book for my reference." He interrupted.

She smiled embarrassedly. "Uhm, is it okay to bring this book outside? I really want to continue reading this later." She asked Ethan who was about to reach for a book on the opposite shelve.

"Since when did you learn to ask for my permission?" He uttered indifferently.

"Ehh…?" She raised a brow. "I-Is that a yes?''

"Do whatever you want." Ethan replied. Aisha jumped as she hugged him from behind. Ethan froze then he looked at the woman heading outside the library hopping and dancing.

"Is she that happy for a mere book? Eh?'' Suddenly he paused and look at the door's direction. "Isn't she injured?''

After a while, Aisha went to the dining table after she placed the book inside her room. Maids where standing beside her but she couldn't see Eli and Ethan, so she asked one of the maids. "Eli usually eats in his room for dinner and Mr. Ethan eats a little late."

"Oh, okay.'' She was thinking thoroughly for a while. She just hated the idea of eating separately.

"Just a minute..." Aisha excused herself then went to Eli's room. She knocked but no one opened it so she went inside.

"Eli? Eli, are you there?" she called out. She saw him curling in his bed. "Eli, are you asleep?" She heard a sob so she went near him. "A-are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?"

Eli didn't answer. "A-are you sick?'' She checked his forehead. He was a little feverish so she called her personal maid to bring her a thermometer. She also ordered her to prepare a light meal and to bring medicine.

"Don't worry. You'll be alright, okay?" She said. Eli nodded.

Ethan came out in his study room. He went to the dining table and saw the food that was prepared. It seemed that no one had eaten yet so he asked one of their maids.

"Master Ethan, Miss Stacy has not eaten yet. But she's at Master Eli's room. Seems like Master Eli has a fever." The maid stated.

"What? Eli's sick? Why didn't you call me then!?" He was furious, and then he ran towards Eli's room.

Ethan could not believe his eyes, so he blinked not just twice but thrice. The Stacy he knew doesn't know how to take care of a sick person and she never visited Eli before. But right now, Stacy was wiping Eli's body as she changed his wet clothes. She even placed a wet towel on Eli's forehead. Did the sun rose from the north south and what not? He thought.

"Sweetheart, I know you might not have an appetite but you have to eat, even if it's just a spoonful, so you can drink your medicine, okay?" He heard her spoke to Eli in a very gentle way.

"I-I don't want medicine, no... no medicine..." Eli almost cried. Stacy caressed his hair. "Do you want daddy to send you to the hospital? Do you want the doctors to insert a needle in your butt? That hurts even more, you know?" She exaggerated. Eli shook his head in disagreement.

"Mommy hates the hospital too." She smiled. She lifted a spoonful of porridge and signaled Eli to eat. "There you go, good boy."

"Eli?'' Ethan called as he approached his son.

"Dad!" He called weakly.

"How are you?" He inquired.

"He has a mild fever, but he will be alright as soon as he drinks his medicine." Aisha answered.

"Ehm, okay. Eat more so you can take your medicine.'' He encouraged his son. Eli finished his food then he took the medicine. After a while he dozed off to sleep.

Ethan stood up as well as Aisha. Aisha was about to enter their room when Ethan spoke. "Where are you going?''

"Room?" She pointed at their room's direction.


"Ah! Yeah! I almost forgot. Let's go then.'' She bashfully smiled then went to the kitchen. Ethan followed. They sat opposite each other. The foods were good in the eyes but Aisha was searching for a particular dish.

"Are you looking for something?'' Ethan asked.

"Uhm… it's seems that there's only pork dishes on the table, I was thinking of having beef instead, or chicken perhaps." Her face was dull. Ethan creased a brow and the maid looked at each other unbelievingly.

"Everything in the table was your favorite dish I believe. And as far as I remember, you don't eat beef at all." Ethan was baffled.

"Eh? M-my favorite you said?'' She laughed forcefully. "Really? Eh, I, I actually want to try another cuisine. You know? Yes, that's it. I'm changing my diet." She hysterically explained.

"We will let our chef know about it Miss Stacy." The maid was about to go inside the kitchen when Stacy stopped her.

"No! Please don't. It's okay. I'm good with this. I-I'm sorry for troubling you. I'll take the vegetables instead." Aisha was not a picky eater, but she suddenly craved for beef this time.

After supper, Aisha went directly to their room. She picked the book and started reading again. Ethan came out from the shower and changed into his boxer. He usually slept half naked. But Aisha was distracted when Ethan lay beside her.

"A-are you sleeping with your trunks? Only?" Aisha was anxious. She forgot that she has to sleep beside him. The thought of it sent shivers down her spine. She had never slept with anyone before, not even with her friends, and this would be her very first time—worst feeling would be sleeping next to this cold hearted man.

"Are you really asking that after sleeping with me for four years?'' His brow creased.

Aisha's eyes were enlarged. "Y-you mean it's already a habit of him? And he will be doing it every SINGLE NIGHT? SERIOUSLY? Oh Lord, why are you tormenting me like this?" Her mind was in jumble. Ethan saw her uneasiness and he smirked.

"I believe this is not your first time seeing me half-naked." He said mockingly. Their faces were so close. Aisha blushed in embarrassment as their eyes met. Ethan suddenly staggered as he gazes intently in her eyes… seems like he realized something. Aisha could feel it and she was alarmed so she averted her eyes.

"I-I … I'm sleeping!" She pushed Ethan away and she covered her head instantly with a blanket.


What's with that accusing gaze? Did he detect something? Aisha's mind was in jumble once again.

"It's impossible. I'm sure he won't notice it. No one knew about my existence in this country. Ahhh! I'm thinking too much!" She scolded herself silently. "But I won't mind sleeping beside a handsome guy." She drooled at her thought. "Pervert!" She wiggled.

Ethan was deep in his thoughts while looking at Stacy, fully covered with a blanket. He can see her wiggling. Something just wasn't right.

"Those eyes!'' He stroked his chin. "It's definitely her eyes."