Chapter 18: Thou Shall Not Covet Someone Else’s Wife!

"M-Mr. Douglas?" Aisha stuttered when she saw his wicked smile. She stepped backward when Mr. Douglas advanced towards her.

"Miss Stacy, I am very much interested in you, you know? It's a waste to see such a beauty working as a mere saleslady. I just wanted to help you become a big time star." He was caressing her soft long hair.

"I'm sorry Mr. Douglas but I am not interested on your offer." She was about to move out when Mr. Douglas blocked her way.

"You know, with your lowly status, you should be pleading me to take you instead. I am already offering you a way out!" He yelled. "Or perhaps, you're acting like a dignified woman playing hard to get, huh?!" He clutched her hand tightly.

"Mr. Douglas, I'm hurting!" She threatened.

"Oh, are you threatening me? What do you think will happen if Mr. Williams lose me as an investor, huh? What do you think will happen if he discovers that you jeopardize this moment?' Aisha frowned when she recalled Ethan's face at the clothing store. Didn't he care for her wife back then? She pursed her lips.

"Miss Stacy, a lowly saleslady like you should obey me instead." He continued. He was about to touch her cheek but she slapped his hands. Mr. Douglas was furious.

"How dare you-------!'' He was about to hit her but she took his hand, grasped it hard, then locked it behind him. Mr. Douglas was yelling in pain. She twisted his arm higher.

"Don't try me Mr. Douglas while I am being nice to you. I am not one of your casual women whom you can toy with. You're messing with the wrong woman, bastard!" She was infuriated.

"You crazy woman! Because of you, Mr. Williams will definitely lose millions if I back out!" He shouted in pain.

"Stacy!" She heard a familiar voice. It was Ethan. "Let him go!" He said coldly. She worriedly released Mr. Douglas hand. Then she looked away feeling embarrassed.

"Hmp! See, I told you -----'' Mr. Douglas wasn't able to finish his statement because a fist suddenly landed on his face. He fell on the floor.

Mr. Douglas was dumbfounded! Aisha was speechless.

"D-did you just hit me Mr. Williams?" He asked.

"Do you want more? Coz I can definitely send you to hell, you bastard!"

"Ethan!" He was about to hit him again but Aisha stopped him.

"W-why are you doing this? You're not concerned about my investment in your company?'' Mr. Douglas threatened.

"Do you really think that your money will affect the growth of my company? Well, you assumed wrong! I don't need your money to begin with." Ethan was aggravated.

"Did you just refused my investment just for a mere lowly saleslady?! And you lowly woman, all I want to do is to help you conquer the world. You should be thankful because I was pleased with you. A lot of women are dying to get on my bed for fame! Do you think you're any better than them?!" Mr. Douglas yelled as he stood up. Once again, Ethan hit him hard on the face. He fell on the floor--- again. This time, Ethan was much more aggressive. Blood oozed from Mr. Douglas' lips.

"Mr. Douglas, have you ever heard of the commandment "Thou shall not covet someone else's wife?" Mr. Douglas' eyes widened.

"Y-You are saying ----''

"You're right! You messed with the wrong person! And from now on, I don't want to do any business with you in the future!" He signaled Larry to show Douglas out.

After the confrontation, Ethan faced Stacy and inspected any wound on her arm. She looked away, "Are you okay?"

"Ehmm …" She nodded. Ethan cupped her face with his hands. She looked down.

"I'm sorry." Ethan apologized then he hugged her.

"I'm sorry. You lost him because of me...'' Her voice was full of guilt.

"I'd rather lose him than lose my wife." He answered. Her heart skipped a beat then she hugged him back.

After the incident, Ethan and Stacy went back to the dining table. This time, he sent Dorothy back to the company first so he could join his wife for lunch. He knew Stacy didn't take her lunch again. After they ate, he asked Larry to send Stacy back to the store. Ethan had to go back since he had to attend an important business presentation, but he promised her that they would go home together tonight.

When Stacy came back, her workmates started complementing her. They saw how amazing she was earlier when she was modelling the latest dresses. They envied her because she was able to try those outfits. They also asked her about the tea time with the bosses. She only smiled.

"I think that fat client likes you so much! Our boss will surely promote you in no time!" One of the staffs stated. She smiled.

"Stacy, someone is looking for you," Kian approached her. He pointed at a lady outside the store.

"Lisa!" She cried as she run towards her. They hugged each other.

Aisha and Lisa went to a secluded coffee shop, just outside the mall. They haven't seen each other for at least a month or so. The last time they met was when Lisa saw her with Ethan in a fine dining restaurant. She tried to hide from Lisa but Lisa waited for her in the restroom. She was surprised to see her with Ethan. Aisha didn't have a choice but to tell her the truth. At first, Lisa was so upset that her friend didn't trust her with those important details, but she couldn't afford to be mad at her best friend for a long time.

After catching up, Lisa's face became serious.

"Is there something that you want to tell me, Lisa?" Aisha asked. She looked at her seriously.

"Aisha, the truth is, I came to give you this." She handed a sealed envelope.

"What is this?" she asks. She opens it and shudders with what she read. She didn't want Lisa to see it so she masked it with a smile.

"Aisha, I saw some men entered your apartment the other day. They looked like bad people. They were looking for you. They've been shadowing your apartment for 5 consecutive days now and when they saw me, they asked about you. I didn't tell them that I knew you personally. But they handed me that envelope telling me to give this to you when I see you."

"Thank you for letting me know, Lisa. But please be careful also. For now, don't go back to that apartment yet."

"I'm afraid as well. They've been watching your apartment thoroughly that's why I decided to stay with my workmate for the time being."

"Don't go back to that apartment yet, I'll try to assess the situation very soon." Aisha assured her friend. Then they talked about a lot of things then after an hour Lisa set off. Aisha went to the comfort room. She locked herself inside the cubicle then she opened the letter again.

"I AM COMING FOR YOU ---- AND FOR YOUR FAMILY AS WELL!" The letter was in bold capital letters. She was wrecking her brain. Who would possibly send this kind of threat? Could it be one of her father's enemies? If yes, who would it be? Her father had a lot of enemies. Or could it be one of the people who wanted to destroy her for the sake of the Mafia throne? Aisha clumpled the paper in frustration. She then decided to go to her old apartment to investigate later tonight.

After her shift, she called Ethan that she won't be going home early. She told him that she would be visiting her father Robert for the meantime. She couldn't think of any lie other than this.

Aisha bought a black V-neck shirt, black jeans, a black Nike cap, a mask and a black leather jacket. She bought it just after Lisa left. She changed her outfit before going out from the mall. Her hair was tied into a messy bun. She grabbed a taxi as soon as she came out. Before heading to her old apartment, she stopped by a pet shop. Hunter, the 24 years old guy, owned the pet shop. He has been Caleb's best friend for a long time. Caleb told Aisha about him since he was a keeper of weapons. Aisha hid all the weapons she took with her when she ran away from home.

She took her personalized gun, hid it in her black leather jacket and then she went back into the cab. Unknown to her, a black car was following her secretly.